Lots of Recent Man-Caused Disasters

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online


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2 thoughts on “Lots of Recent Man-Caused Disasters”

  1. I keep reading things like “it wasn’t supposed to be so…”. Other than wishful thinking, what reason is there to believe all this is unintentional?

  2. Indeed, professor Hanson, It’s “‘Twas brillig, and the slithy roves”… all over the place. In essence, Jabberwocky, yet it is Jabberwocky purposed towards all-fawning obeisance to our King With No Truth.

    Our American press culture has become so bizarre, it’s as if Obama were to mount the turret of a Humvee and kill 1,000 citizens with a .50 caliber Browning machine gun, the headlines the next morning would surely say, “THANK GAIA, OBAMA REDUCED THE SURPLUS POPULATION!”

    The line under that might say “Conservatives Recant of First-Feelings of Horror! Now agree its Best for All”

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