Ah! So that’s where the podcast over the weekend. I thought with the Olympics over, Sami (insert glorious titles here)might have launched her Revolution! -Like the new masthead by the way. The sword is well placed but, to read it Classically, it’s length indicates a lack of judicious sobriety. A more petite version would eschew satyr appetites and indicate a manly moderation. Poor kalamos!
I won’t criticize you here, because obviously Mr. Watters had you on to discuss what the Democrats, not the Republicans, will do.
But I sure would like to hear or read what you think the new programs and initiatives are that the GOP should campaign on this year.
Trusting in Biden’s incompetence and a strong reaction against it, plus the “Pendulum effect” of an off-year election, may be good politics. But they don’t create a mandate. And we know who our business-friendly Republicans are interested in pleasing if we just leave them to their own devices.
The brilliant analysis by both men leads me to better understand our national debate taking place.
Ah! So that’s where the podcast over the weekend. I thought with the Olympics over, Sami (insert glorious titles here)might have launched her Revolution! -Like the new masthead by the way. The sword is well placed but, to read it Classically, it’s length indicates a lack of judicious sobriety. A more petite version would eschew satyr appetites and indicate a manly moderation. Poor kalamos!
I won’t criticize you here, because obviously Mr. Watters had you on to discuss what the Democrats, not the Republicans, will do.
But I sure would like to hear or read what you think the new programs and initiatives are that the GOP should campaign on this year.
Trusting in Biden’s incompetence and a strong reaction against it, plus the “Pendulum effect” of an off-year election, may be good politics. But they don’t create a mandate. And we know who our business-friendly Republicans are interested in pleasing if we just leave them to their own devices.
The DEMNCRATS deserve everything they get on their way to extinction and hell.