The West is paradoxically dominant on the global stage and eroding from within.

Never has Western culture seemed so all-powerful.
Look at the 30 top-ranked universities in the world; they are all American, British, or European — albeit these rankings are based largely on the excellence of their science, engineering, medicine, and computer departments rather than their English and sociology departments.
The American West Coast changed the world’s daily lifestyle with Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Yahoo.
The worldwide reach of schlock American pop culture is frightening. Hollywood psychodramas, rap vulgarity, reality TV, crude body tattooing and piercing, and the sorry, unhinged Miley Cyrus find their way up the Nile and around Cape Horn.
The United States, even with recent defense cuts, has more conventional military power than nearly the rest of the globe combined. American oil entrepreneurs have changed the global energy calculus.
Millions flee their homes to enter Europe — not Russia, China, or India. Ten percent of Mexico lives in the United States. Polls in Mexico suggest that half the remaining Mexican population would prefer to head north into the U.S., a nation to which, polls also suggest, they of course are hostile.
Immigration is a one-way Western street. Those who, in the abstract, damn the West — as much as elite Westerners themselves do — want very much to live inside it. The loudest anti-Western voices in the Middle East are usually housed in Western universities, not in Gaza. Jorge Ramos is a fierce critic of supposed American cruelty to illegal immigrants — so much so that he fled Mexico for America, became a citizen (how is that possible, given American bias against immigrants?), landed a multimillion-dollar salary working for the non-Latino-owned Spanish-language network Univision, and then put his kids in private school to shield them from hoi polloi of the sort he champions each evening. Now that’s the power of the West.
The alternatives are uninviting. Mohammad Javad Zarif, Pervez Musharraf, and Mohamed Morsi all resided in the West for long periods of time until political power beckoned at home. Putin’s Russia is a geriatric and unhealthy kleptocracy. China will never square the circle of free-market capitalist consumerism and Communist state autocracy. India, like Brazil, is always corrupt and always said to be full of potential. Neo-Communism has all but wrecked Latin America. The African nations are still tribal societies beneath a thin statist veneer. The Middle East is now mostly pre-civilized. (The Asian Tigers have escaped these fates by becoming mostly Westernized.) And, in our wired age, the maladies of the Third World are all instantly known and contrasted with the civilized alternative in the West.
But as in mid-fifth-century Athens and late-republican Rome, there are signs that the West is eroding — and fast. The common Western malady is age-old and cyclical. It was long ago described, over some thousand years of decline, by an array of Classical scolds, from Thucydides and Aristophanes to Tacitus, Petronius, Plutarch, Suetonius, and Procopius. In the case of modern America, Britain, and Europe, the sheer material bounty spawned by free-market capitalism and legally protected private property, combined with the freedom of the individual, creates a sort of ennui. Boredom is the logical result of that lethal mix of affluence and leisure.
It is not just that Westerners forget who gave them their bounty, but they tend to damn anonymous ancestors who worked so hard, but without a modern sense of taste and politically correct deference. Of course, so far, Western civilization presses on, despite the periodic sky-is-falling warnings that echo the likes of Friedrich Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler, and H. G. Wells. But does it press on as it did before?
Take the ongoing mass exoduses from the Third World into Europe and the United States. The reaction on the part of the host countries is largely paralysis, as the contradictions of professed Western liberalism hit the hard reality that Westerners are reluctant to accept millions of poor foreigners arriving en masse. Westerners are hoist on their own petards of “fairness” and “equality” in the age of globalization and instant communications: If Sudanese or Oaxacans are deprived of free annual check-ups or are in need of climate-change instruction, then Brussels and Washington are just as culpable for their plight as if they had shorted their own Slovakians or Alabamans.
Elites who are exempt by virtue of their money and influence from the consequences of living among millions of displaced Africans, Arabs, or Latin Americans berate ad nauseam their less-well-connected, supposedly illiberal fellow citizens. But note that no elite Westerner wants to face the cause of the malady: namely, that the failure in the Third World to adopt Western ideas of consensual government, equality between the sexes, free-market capitalism, individual liberty, and transparent meritocracy logically leads to mayhem and poverty.
Westerners are afraid to explain why the non-West suffers and what it might do to end its own miseries. To do that would be imperialistic and neo-colonial.
But it is worse than that: Western elites deny their own exceptionalism, and deny any reason for their own privilege other than the easy private guilt of citing the Holy Trinity of “race/class/gender.” They dare not associate Islam with the self-professed Islamists of ISIS who wreck the world’s archaeological treasures and who behead, burn alive, drown, and dismember Christians and supposed heretics. Indeed, Western op-ed writers go so far as to offer heated advisories that we must not confuse the source of this nihilist furor with radical Islam.
So we tire of a New York Times columnist or an EU apparatchik who will never give up his own 1 percent lifestyle, but will castigate the values that ensure its continuation — on the understanding that such invective will assuage his guilt and never be taken too seriously. Surely 100 Hondurans will not be sleeping in the halls of the former’s Upper West Side co-op, and 500 Somalis will not camp out on the veranda of the latter’s Portofino estate. Could not Harvard and Stanford invite Central American illegal-alien youth to spend their summers in the shelter of their empty dorms and unused basketball arenas?
Latino students at UC Irvine allege that flying the American flag is an act of micro-aggression, even as they decry the American unwillingness to open the borders to another 10 percent of Mexicans, who apparently would not mind the micro-aggressions. Go figure the hypocrisies, and all one can come up with is either ignorance, or a vague notion that such on-campus play-acting will lead to some career advantage to be harvested from bored elites.
The Black Lives Matter movement in the last few months has often marched chanting for the death of “pigs,” while intellectuals contextualized their anger — and while police were shot at and sometimes killed. No one dares to make the argument that an absence of parity is due not to Bull Connor Redux, but rather to self-inflicted pathologies of the post–Great Society age that have annihilated the black two-parent family and led to inordinate crime, illegitimacy, illiteracy, drug use, social dependency, and, of course, furor at the system for allowing that disparity to happen. It is much easier to blame an old white cop than a bureaucrat at social services or the careerist Al Sharpton, whose racialist perks are predicated on their permanent absence in others.
The first casualty in a bored and would-be-revolutionary society is legality. And certainly in the West the law — whose sanctity built Western civilization — has become a joke. New Confederate-style nullificationists in San Francisco demand that federal immigration statutes not apply to their sanctuary city, even as they insist that a minor clerk in Kentucky be jailed for nullifying a Supreme Court edict allowing gay marriage. Kim Davis should indeed be jailed for obstructing a federal mandate, but only after the neo-Confederate nullificationist mayor, Board of Supervisors, and sheriff of San Francisco.
These activists are not the poor and ignorant, but the wealthy and educated who no longer believe in the law — at least any law that does not directly protect their quite ample property. It would be easy to say they are neo–French Revolutionaries who believe social justice, not old white men’s privilege, is the better law code. But that excuse would be too kind. Those who embrace sanctuary cities while wanting to jail any who object to the omnipotence of federal jurisprudence are mostly hedonists. Whatever they feel like doing becomes legal, and whatever they don’t feel like doing becomes felonious and deserving of incarceration.
The future of the European Union is bleak. It cannot define what a European is, so why should its borders not become porous? Who is to say that a German should not retire at 67 so a Greek can at 55? The sin of debt lies on the richer nations, who had the money to lend and profit, not the poorer, who imprudently borrowed. Thus default is little more than overdue redistribution.
Europe is shrinking because child-raising is seen as a drag and the state ensures old-age care without the need for family support — until the money runs out. It no longer believes in its own defense, and it brilliantly contextualizes the aggression of Vladimir Putin, sort of like Athenian rhetoricians circa 340 b.c. assuring their fellow citizens that Philip II was merely into a macho schtick.
America is Europeanizing itself, an odd thing, given that Europeans always feared that their Hellenism would be buried under crass American Romanism. It turns out that once liberty and freedom have ensured prosperity — the underclass of today has access to better communications, transportation, and computer-driven knowledge than the 1 percent of 30 years ago — then that achievement can be consumed by “fairness” and “equality.” What the West worries about is not poverty, but disparity: No one argues that the rioters at Ferguson did not have smartphones, expensive sneakers, hot water in their homes, air conditioning, and plenty to eat — it’s just that they did not have as many or as sophisticated appurtenances as someone else. Michael Brown was not undernourished or in need of the cigars he lifted.
Is this decline just circular, as a Chamberlain leads to a Churchill, who leads to an Attlee, and eventually back to Thatcher, or as Carter begets Reagan, who begets Obama, who loses the Congress and the nation’s support? Certainly, equality and fairness are parasitical luxuries that depend first upon Western productivity, which is the harvest of personal freedom and economic liberty. Before you can have Cornel West, Sandra Fluke, Barack Obama, and Bernie Sanders, you first have to have grimy frackers and horizontal drillers, pajama-boy techies, the loggers of reality TV, long-haul truckers — and, yes, conniving capitalists at Goldman Sachs and showmen like Donald Trump.
So far, the West has been lucky. The present generations of nihilistic redistributionists are no Sullas, Robespierres, or Lenins. They do damage, but for now not enough to endanger the architecture of their own privilege. Al Gore still jets around the world to hector about climate change. Barack Obama won’t retire to an iffy neighborhood in Chicago. Al Sharpton won’t order the police away from his doorstep. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates believe in property rights. Mark Zuckerberg assumes that he has the right to buy up his neighbors’ property to create a moat defense against those who he insists must be allowed into the United States without following legal immigration procedures. Even George Soros adheres to international finance laws, most of the time.
At least for now, we are in a cycle of Western decline, waiting either for another Churchill, Thatcher, or Reagan to scold us out of it — or for an existential enemy, foreign or domestic, of such power and danger that all our progressive pieties will dissipate in the face of danger.
If, God forbid, Putin moves into the Baltic states, if Iran launches a nuke into Israel, if North Korea shoots chemical shells into Seoul, if China absorbs Taiwan, if, in another 9/11, a dozen 757s take down the Sears Tower, if the interest rate on a soon-to-be-$20-trillion national debt hits 7 percent, if Social Security checks start to bounce, or if Wall Street trumps its 2008 implosion, then Miley Cyrus will go the way of Britney Spears, Barack Obama the way of Jimmy Carter, and Black Lives Matter the way of It’s a Black Thing, You Wouldn’t Understand. Then the televised presences of Caitlin Jenner and the Kardashians would vanish as the decadent indulgences of a society that could no longer afford them.
Bounty to boredom to decadence to panic to reawakening to ascendance has always been the cyclical way of the West.
Its curse has been that the cycles of nihilism are as long as they are unnecessary.
Islam will be the world’s dominant religion in 15 years. Nearly every non-muslim reading the above article will be forced to submit to Islam in various ways, and most of us already have.
Small steps at first, as we are seeing now.
Cancellation of K through 12 school Christmas programs because they are offensive to Muslims.
Muslim clergy in the U. S. military.
Bans on speech or writings in the U. S. Military critical of Muslim culture.
College campus bans on words, speech, or deeds critical of Muslim culture.
Risk of job loss for violating hate speech policies by criticising the prophet or Islam.
Non-Muslim children being forced to recite Muslim prayers in class, where The Ten Commandments or The Lord’s Prayer are not allowed to be recited or posted.
Sharia law officially recognized and considered legally binding in urban areas with high Muslim populations by our own legal system.
I will make a prediction that slightly modified Muslim dress will become fashionable and widespread amongst our younger and middle-aged people in the west in the near future, and will remain so.
Great as always. But VDH always seems to leave questions of philosophical and religious belief–“worldviews”– largely aside. Material over abundance and leisure time, lack of external threats, etc. no doubt play their roles, but aren’t these subchapters under the broader heading of belief.
Why do we get out of bed in the morning–ultimately?
Most Europeans merely shrug their shoulders at such questions. And so too, I’m afraid, with each passing year, are more of us.
Pingback: The West and Weakness | 38 South
Putin is now putting aircraft and ground troops in Syria in support of Assad and to fight ISIS.
How far is it to Saudi Arabia from there.
A large multi-player chess game is afoot. The Chinese have a lot of Africa, The world is being re-subdivided as we watch.
“”” The migrants and the elites WSJ.”” Peggy Noonan channels the national treasure VDH.
The breathtaking downdrafts of recent days show that Wall Street retesting its Tech Wreck and Housing Bubble lows is anything but far-fetched. If it happens before the primaries begin next summer, the bloodletting among the conventional politicos is going to be historic — although, hopefully I suppose — it will remain strictly figurative.
Pingback: Is the West Dead Yet? – VD Hanson | controvercity
*I meant strengthen THEIR currency…
PS, nice article, I definitely enjoy reading your stuff.
I feel like as far as immigration goes, the west could probably absorb a lot more of the people that want to come here being that our birth rates are declining. As far as I’ve heard, the birth rates in most of the world are declining, not just in the west, so I am actually quite optimistic about the future. I think the non-west has advanced a great deal. has some very interesting data to support optomism.
As far as the US going bankrupt, that would be hard since we own our own bank. China can’t do much with our debt in the near term since their economy depends on exporting to us. The only way they can maintain their exports is to short their currency (buy dollars). If they ever try to ditch our debt, they will strengthen our currency and help even out our trade balance, which we keep asking them to do anyway.
I think it is very important to keep an eye on current parallels with history, and to recognize that everything will die someday, but it’s also important to not get too caught up in the “doom and gloom” as they say.
Re: ‘So far the West has been lucky’
For sure. How many times can you fight to the death and come out alive? We have to hope the stat probabilities are on our side if human civilization can continue to exist.
History is/isn’t linear. History is/isn’t circular. It’s a spiral path up/down. Wether we are ascending or descending can be ascertained by the relative ease of “progress”. That’s life…. Excelsior!!!
God Bless VDH. Ragnar Liljequist
Pingback: Is the West Dead Yet? | Newport Mesa Tea Party Patriots
Yet another edifying article from Professor Hanson. Thank you. Of concern however is that our youth have been so indoctrinated by the Zinns and Chomskys that they will have no belief in their own economic and political institutions and no will to fight for a society they have been taught is evil. The optimism that sustained earlier generations of Americans seems lacking in the Millennials. We must rely on the exceptional members of this group such as students of yours to carry this society through the coming crisis.
Great writing as usual.
In my limited way I can sum up this current article.
The people at fault are what Homer Simpson called “Know nothing know-it-alls”.
Isn’t that about it?
I heard Kennedy say something on Fox that I hadn’t heard before:
The term was “Narcissistic Socialists”
These are both bumper sticker descriptions but completely accurate.
I think bad things, then I look at the current Republican Clown Car full of presidential candidates
and I think ……These people seem mostly smart and ethical, maybe all isn’t lost.
Reporting live from Europe with the latest batch of refugees living in an abandoned office building 1km down the road: Those refugees flee to the North, that is to say the rich countries. They don’t necessarily go for the West, that is the free world. Don’t fail to distinguish between these two directions.
As it happens if you enter a country underprivileged North seems to be exactly where West is. If one was richt to begin with, probably the non-free world would offer even more affluence at the expense of a majority which would enjoy less freedom. I have a feeling the one-percenters dream of this every night.
Certainly Europe ignores the fact that only one power guarantees the Free Western World be in the same location as the Rich World of the North. That power is, or at least used to be, the USA. In historical terms Britain could have had 100 Churchills last century, no Chamberlain at all, and still would have gone down without US military power and resolve.
If one wants freedom now it’s good enough to live in the Western World. If one still wants freedom next year it is better to be in NATO. If one wants freedom 10 years from now one should better do something about it right now.
If “Progressive-Retardnation” worldview education was defunded at K-12, university and Journalism Schools, and in its place “Tragic-Liberty” worldview education was taught… then would UC Irvine students be made so stupid, so pathetic, so lambs-ready-for-slaughter as to say Old Glory is, to them, a micro-aggression?
We need to defund “Progressive-Retardnation” worldview education… yesterday. Time to get ‘er done.
Robert Burke — For some reason many Latinos are very jealous of white Americans. I used to think that they were unhappy with the outcome of the War of 1848 and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, but now I’m not so sure.
Back in the 70’s there were Mexican-American student activists who proclaimed that the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture was “culturally offensive” to them. I don’t think anyone but the LA Times paid any attention to them, but I wasn’t interested enough to learn anything about them or find out how they did once they were out of school.
I am pretty sure that once the UC Irvine Latinos have been out of school for five or ten years, they will agree with you that “micro-aggressions” are too insignificant to worry about.
Liberals in the 19th century were fervent supporters of nationalism and the essential importance of being part of a community with shared traditions and common ancestry. None of these liberals ever envisioned the nations of Europe and the USA as mere places identified by liberal values belonging to everyone else and obligated to become “welcome” mats for the peoples of the world. Professor Kevin MacDonald has written how Caucasians, even independent of Jewish power, would occasionally sabotage their own material interests in the service of an ideology, especially because of religious motivations. In the long run, identity can even be formed on ideological lines, as with religious sects who consider racially alien co-religionists to be their “brethren” but ignore their racial or ethnic kinsmen. The civic religion of Americanism is an attempt to do just that – and it just so happens that most of the true believers are white. The patriotic dedication of American whites to the nation of the past has led to an ideological devotion to the anti-white, egalitarian United States of the present.
Author Byron Roth explores the history of immigration to the United States prior to World War II and contrasts it with post-war immigration in the West. The evidence marshaled makes clear that the earlier largely European immigration experience of the United States is so different from post 1965 and current patterns that it cannot provide a useful template for understanding and assessing those patterns. In addition, Roth addresses the disturbingly undemocratic nature of the regime of mass immigration imposed by authorities on the citizens of all western nations in defiance of their clearly expressed wishes. He shows that the chasm between elite views and public opinion is so deep that current policies can only be maintained by an increasingly totalitarian suppression of dissent that undermines the very foundations of western democracy.The diversity and multicultural ideology is based on a huge distortion of history and is alien to the vast majority of citizens. It can only be maintained by ignoring the wishes of the majority and by increasingly coercive and totalitarian means to silence dissent.
Dear VDH,
This is one of the best articles you have written and one of the best I have read in a very long time.
There is nothing like the truth, blame and credit plainly put for all to read and contemplate.
Now let’s see how long it takes some morons to label you as racist, sexists, homophobic, jingoistic or xenophobic.
You are a straight shooter among the vast majority of mumblers, bumblers and stumblers, most of whom don’t know which end is up, which side of their bread is buttered or that their left is not right.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your kind words.