Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to analyze the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, the IRS targeting Matt Taibbi, Xi Jinping says China’s preparing for war, the power of artificial intelligence, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s court case.
Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to analyze the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, the IRS targeting Matt Taibbi, Xi Jinping says China’s preparing for war, the power of artificial intelligence, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s court case.
I wonder why the manifesto, that was left by this deranged individual is not released. It seems unusual and suspicious.
The Stoneman DOuglas school massacre in Broward County Flroida DID indeed have armed guards present. Who did NOTHING to cnfront the known killer, who also had a court restraining order against him ever entering that campus. Instead that “brave” “guard” hid outside until the shooting stopped. That kid had at least three felony crimes under his belt but they chose to NOT procesute him. Any indictment on any of them would have rendered him “prohibited person” and this unable to purchase his rifle. Further, the court restrining otder also SHOULD have rendered him “disabled” from possessing arms.
The ONLY pln that is guaranted to end school shootings is to allow adult staff already working at those schools to take special training and then be able, mat willm to carry theor iwn weaoin upin their person concealed.
II have gone over the accounts of most of the school shootings taht were “successful” (innocents shot by the perp) and imagined how differently they WOULD have gone had any school staff been armd and trained. In every case, the teacher in the invaded classroom, the janitor (as in the Nashville incident), the gymn coach, the secretary, had THOSE people been armed and trained, the perp never could have gotten near them before getting taken out. Sandy Hook, Douglas, Virginia Tech, Columbine, Uvalde, the church massacres.. NONE would have resulted in more than one possibly two, innocent deaths.
find the video of West Freeway Baptist Church. That worked. WHY? Watch it.
Victor, regarding your comments about convcted felons carrying firearms… that is a serious federal offense but is largely not enforced. One f the first counts to be “bargained” away in reducing the charges to be brought to trial. Admittedly that restriction is mishandled ften… once a persin has served his time and ALL obligations relting to conviction are met, he should have his rights restored. But in far too many places, Chicago, Philadelphia New York, those felony possession charges are tossed as a matter of course.
Regarding those who are in that category and shoot someone unjustly, killing them, the death penalty UST be restored and USED. No plea bargaining. THAT will rein in that sort of cnduct. When the putative perps have a very high assurance that to kill an innocent WILL surely result in their own execution, this behaviour WILL at least dramatically slow down.
Since 2016, we have been told the upcoming election is a critical one to preserve our country. Since then, the radical left have taken over the country with a corrupt, Manchurian candidate president with dementia and non intelligent vice president who always appears to be high on some narcotic. Each time we are told Americans are fed up, but yet today we have an administration, democratics and silent republicans who have effectively supported and justified guilty til proven innocent transformation of our justice system and now the murder of children and thus by extension, passive aggressively encouraging more violence in the name of radical woke causes that tear the US apart internally to support transformation of our country and continued control by the radical elites. What tactics will be unleashed if they win in 2024. Reminds me of how Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin took control over a majority of normal populations with a small but cultish group of zealot supporters. Todays black and brown and red shirts are the gender, race and climate ideologues. History tells us that this does not end well and current events prove it COULD happen in America.
Victor, please carry those Epi-pens. Glad you are oka y
Since 2016, we have been told the upcoming election is a critical one to preserve our country. Since then, the radical left have taken over the country with a corrupt, Manchurian candidate president with dementia and non intelligent vice president who always appears to be high on some narcotic. Each time we are told Americans are fed up, but yet today we have an administration, democratics and silent republicans who have effectively supported and justified guilty til proven innocent transformation of our justice system and now the murder of children and thus by extension, passive aggressively encouraging more violence in the name of radical woke causes that tear the US apart internally to support transformation of our country and continued control by the radical elites. What tactics will be unleashed if they win in 2024. Reminds me of how Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin took control over a majority of normal populations with a small but cultish group of zealot supporters. Todays black and brown and red shirts are the gender, race and climate ideologues. History tells us that this does not end well and current events prove it COULD happen in America.
Victor and Sami,
The question posed by your listener is excellent. The only way to prevent ID fraud, whether it be for voting or obtaining other legal documents, is to require photo identification or other means of verifying who you are. We will lose all means of maintaining a civil and orderly society if the criminals are allowed to take advantage of a lax system of rules. Victor, I am very relieved that you got immediate medical attention for your anaphylaxis. Please carry your epi pen where ever you go. This is even true when you are at your mountain home. We have a problem with late summer yellow jackets in the Sierra near where I live. Take care and wishing you a quick recovery.
I rarely agree with Sami, but I must agree with her about Gwyneth Paltrow. I don’t think she’s a good actress, either, and she’s just trying to get some attention.
Sorry to hear of your recent anaphylactic shock. I hope you’re feeling better. As you probably know, anaphylaxis can be dangerous. I hope you didn’t have any swelling in your neck (laryngeal edema). It can block your airway. epinephrine is potent vasoconstrictor. Take care.
What is your source for your statement that “…China has 6100 nuclear warheads…”. From what I have seen from US military public comments re: China’s offensive nuclear capability, 6100 warheads is a gross exaggeration.
Oh man of metis! When will you learn not to compound your pains! Glad you’re safe!