
The Shadow of Munich Haunts the Iran Negotiations

Once again our leaders are needlessly appeasing a hostile state that shows them nothing but contempt. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The Western capitulation to Adolf Hitler in the 1938 Munich Agreement is cited as classic appeasement that destroyed Czechoslovakia, backfired on France and Britain, and led to World War II. Share This

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The Administration’s Adolescent Rants about ISIS

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO- The Corner It is disheartening to listen to Obama and his administration voices childishly reiterating that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam because it does not represent the majority of Muslims or what Westerners perceive as normative values distilled from the Koran. No radical ideology, religious or otherwise, starts

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President Franklin Delano Obama Addresses the Threat of 1930s Violent Extremism

Imagine Obama as an American president in 1939. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia “The United States has made significant gains [2] in our struggle against violent extremism in Europe. We are watching carefully aggressions in Czechoslovakia, Austria, and in Eastern Europe. My diplomatic team has made it very clear that aggression against neighbors is

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Our Dangerous Historical Moment

Obama and European leaders are repeating the mistakes of their 1930s predecessors. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  World War II was the most destructive war in history. What caused it? The panic from the ongoing and worldwide Depression in the 1930s had empowered extremist movements the world over. Like-minded, violent dictators of otherwise

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The Last Lion Remembered

Winston Churchill never once flinched in the face of the Third Reich. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Fifty years ago this Saturday, former British prime minister Winston Churchill died at age 90. Churchill is remembered for his multiple nonstop careers as a statesman, cabinet minister, politician, journalist, Nobel laureate historian, and combat

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The Seductions of Appeasement

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Before World War II appeasement was a good word, reflecting a supposedly wise policy of understanding an enemy’s predicaments. Sober Western democracies would grant tolerable concessions to aggressive dictators in Germany, Italy, and Japan to satiate their appetites for more. With such magnanimity everyone would avoid a nightmare

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Are Drone Strikes More Defensible than Torture?

Democrats are hypocritically silent about Obama’s policy of targeted assassinations. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online There are lots of hypocrisies surrounding the recently released executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. But they pale in comparison to the current Democratic silence about President Barack

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War Clouds on the Horizon?

A large war is looming absent preventive American vigilance. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The world is changing and becoming even more dangerous — in a way we’ve seen before. In the decade before World War I, the near-hundred-year European peace that had followed the fall of Napoleon was taken for granted.

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