Our Contributors

The Progressive Racial Narrative and Its Beneficiaries

Debunking the lies about race in America. by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine A recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll reveals that nearly 6 in 10 people believe race relations are bad, with 23% saying they are “very bad.” The causes of these perceptions are many, including nationally publicized police killings of two black men, […]

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Sloppy Thinking About ‘Torture’

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  Torture is one of those topics that often overwhelm sober reason with lurid emotion. Even people who usually are clear-eyed and rational sink into sloppy thinking and incoherent argument when it comes to torture. Peggy Noonan’s recentWall Street Journal column about the Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation

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Hillary’s Bad Politics and Worse Ideas

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Once again Hillary Clinton has given the Republicans some suicidal soundbites they should stash away for 2016 in the likely event she is the Democratic candidate for president. A review of some of her recent statements reveals that Clinton is not just entitled, money-grubbing, unlikeable, unpleasant, and unaccomplished.

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The End of Feminism

by Bruce S. Thornton // Defining Ideas California recently passed a law requiring that sexual encounters between students in universities and colleges can proceed only on the basis of “affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement.” Failure to resist or to ask the partner to stop the encounter can no longer be taken as consent. Institutions that

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Obamacare Architect Exposes Progressive Totalitarianism

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Professor Jonathan Gruber of MIT, who designed the Affordable Care Act, used to be the symbol of the Democrats’ technocratic bona fides, and an example of how big government with its “scientific” experts can solve social and economic problems from health care to a warming planet. Yet a recently

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Obama Midwifes a Nuclear Iran

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The news that President Obama has sent a secret letter to Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei––apparently promising concessions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for help in defeating ISIS–– is a depressing reminder of how after nearly 40 years our leaders have not understood the Iranian Revolution. During the

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Book Review: Crucified Again; Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians by Raymond Ibrahim

by Terry Scambray // New Oxford Review                                                   Islam: Victors Vanquishing Victims                              Crucified Again; Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians by Raymond Ibrahim.  Regnery, 2013.  247 pp. Throughout  the Muslim world from Morocco to Nigeria to Indonesia – and even occasionally in Western Europe and North America, Christians are being harassed, tortured and murdered.  As

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Election Day: What’s at Stake

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The election and reelection of Barack Obama have seemingly realized the progressive dream of transforming America from its traditional Constitutional order to one more similar to Europe’s––an activist rather than a limited federal government, one whose power and reach extend into the market economy, trump state sovereignty, and

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Janet Yellen Shills for the Democrats

by Bruce Thornton // FrontPage Magazine At a conference last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen recycled a shopworn Democrat talking point about the supposed crisis of income inequality and stalled economic mobility. “The extent and continuing increase in inequality in the United States greatly concerns me,” Yellen said, going on to wonder “whether this

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The Politics of Victimhood

by Bruce S. Thornton // Defining Ideas  Gabby Giffords, the former Democratic Congressman from Arizona who was shot in the head at a campaign rally in 2010, has come under fire recently for exploiting her horrific experience for political gain. Using her celebrity as a famous victim of gun violence, Giffords has created a Super

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