The Left

Left-Wing Violence Chic

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness A transgendered Tennessee mass shooter this week executed three adults and three nine-year-old children at a Nashville private Christian school. Supposedly she left behind her a manifesto justifying her mass murdering. As of this writing, law enforcement officials have declined to make the document public. Yet in about a […]

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Biden, Democrats use midterm mass-distraction strategy to hide counterculture revolution from angry voters

Victor Davis Hanson The contours of the upcoming November midterms seem clear. President Joe Biden scarcely polls above 40% approval. His disastrous energy, economic, crime, immigration, and foreign policies proved even more unpopular. In reaction, frightened Democratic candidates on script are resorting to strategies of diversion. They avoid mention of their prior lockstep support for Biden agendas

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Just How Far Will the Left Go?

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness There was no honeymoon for the unlikely winner of the 2016 election. Progressives have in succession tried to sue to overturn Trump’s victory using several different approaches. First on the bogus claim of fraudulent voting machines. Then they sought to subvert the Electoral College by bullying electors into renouncing

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Two Resistances

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review The quiet resistance — the one without black masks and clubs — is the more revolutionary force, and it transcends race, class, and gender. After the election of Donald Trump, there arose a self-described “Resistance.” It apparently posed as a decentralized network of progressive activist groups dedicated to derailing

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The Fifth American War

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   The country is coming apart, and the advocates of radical egalitarianism are winning.   The wars between Trump, the media, the deep state, and the progressive party — replete with charges and counter-charges of scandal, collusion, and corruption — are merely symptoms of a much larger fundamental and

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Trump’s Morning Joe Tweets

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review‘s The Corner: The one and only. Just when the media take-out of Trump has backfired and exposed an endemic absence of journalistic ethics and chronic malpractice, Trump goes on another crass and extraneous Twitter attack against the increasing irrelevant MSNBC morning hosts (who have in turn often unprofessionally attacked

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Mr. Nunes Went to Washington

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review Devin Nunes is subpoenaing former Obama administration officials who may have played a role in inappropriate monitoring of the Trump transition team. Representative Devin Nunes (R., Calif.), the now-controversial chair of the House Intelligence Committee, is a bit different from what Washington expects in its politicians. He grew up

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