Hillary Clinton

Log Cabin Candidates

By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services Which presidential candidate was born the poorest? Whose log cabin birthplace was the most ramshackle? Hillary and Bill Clinton are worth well over $100 million, largely due to years of leveraging their government service to pull in astronomical speaking and consulting fees from Wall Street, foreign investors

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Weimar America

 By Victor Davis Hanson // Works and Days by PJ Media    2016 is a pivotal year in which accustomed referents of a stable West are now disappearing. We seem to be living in a chaotic age, akin to the mid-1930s, of cynicism and skepticism. Government, religion, and popular culture are corrupt and irrelevant—and the

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Hillary Clinton’s Empire of Dirt

Hillary Clinton’s Freudian Slip  by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media For nearly 40 years, Bill and Hillary Clinton have crafted joint power careers. But “in the end,” what have they become? What is left but their front foundation, their Soros-funded surrogates, and their lock-step loyalists — in other words, their “empire of dirt”? Share

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Hillary Clinton, Reactionary

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  Amid the Trump psychodramas, the public has forgotten not just Hillary Clinton’s latest contortions over her emails, but Mrs. Clinton herself. Hillary has assumed the position of a tired vice president in waiting, without any of the perks that might accrue from a lame-duck president to his dutiful

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