
Questions Rarely Asked–and Never Answered

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  It Can’t Happen Here? What does it take to warn Americans about unchecked pension growth, socialized medicine, vast increases in entitlements, higher taxes, and steady expansion of government? In other words, what is it about Detroit, Italy, or Greece that we do not understand? In the last five years, the Obama administration has […]

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The Late, Great Middle Class

It’s never been harder to find a decent job making something real. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The American middle class, like the American economy in general, is ailing. Labor-force participation has hit a 35-year low. Median household income is lower than it was five years ago. Only the top 5 percent of

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America’s Vast Margin of Error

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The Obama administration is facing scandals everywhere — using the IRS to punish political enemies, seizing the phone records of Associated Press and Fox News reporters, monitoring phone and email accounts of millions, and making up stories about what happened in Benghazi. Share This

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Wards of the State

by Bruce Thornton Defining Ideas The biggest political problem the United States faces — runaway entitlement costs on track to bankrupt the treasury — is like the weather. Everybody talks about it, but no one does anything about it. Even talking about it can be politically dangerous, as the Republicans learned in November and during

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When Big Deficits Became Good

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services As a senator and presidential candidate, Barack Obama said that he detested budget deficits. In 2006, when the aggregate national debt was almost $8 trillion less than today, he blasted George W. Bush’s chronic borrowing and refused to vote for upping the debt ceiling: “Increasing America’s debt weakens

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