
Trump’s Midterm Known Unknowns

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   ‘Shy’ Trump voters, a booming economy, consumer confidence, looming investigations, anti-Trump frenzy — all add up to uncertainty in the 2018 elections.   Conventional wisdom and media hopes are now combining to warn us of what is shaping up as a Trump wipeout in the 2018 midterms.   […]

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Is Trump Really Crazy?

By Victor Davis Hanson| January 8, 2018 American Greatness Michael Wolff’s sensational exposé of the supposed chaos of the Trump White House is no doubt largely a mix of fantasy, exaggeration, and some accidental truth. The postmodernist author even admits that his own methodologies defy verification, and so leave it up to the reader to

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Why Trump Should Consider a Post-Twitter Presidency

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   By now, the president’s record has transcended his social-media idiosyncrasies.   Almost every supposedly informed prediction about President Donald Trump’s compulsive Twitter addiction has so far proved wrong.   He did not tweet his way out of the Republican nomination. Spontaneous social-media messaging did not lose Trump the

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Trump’s Cultural Optics

By Victor Davis Hanson|American April 9th, 2017   Every movement president is soon accused of selling out to the establishment and drowning in Washington’s permanent and deep swamp.“Let Reagan be Reagan” was an early lamentation of conservatives, fearing their godhead was being watered down by Jim Baker and diluted by George H.W. Bush centrists.

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The Uses of Populism

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review The economy, academia, immigration, and the environment could benefit from Trump’s unorthodox approach. Populism of the center (as opposed to Bernie Sanders’s socialist populism) has received a bad media rap — given that it was stained in the past by xenophobic and chauvinistic currents. Who wishes to emulate all

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Prosperity Is Destiny

 By Victor Davis Hanson// National Review If the economy grows during Trump’s administration, his opposition will dwindle. “Ten thousand cuts an awful lot of family ties.” — Pike Bishop in The Wild Bunch When Ronald Reagan entered office in 1981 amid negative economic growth, roaring inflation, and high unemployment, his critics immediately grew emboldened and

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Washington’s Hollow Men

The government/media power elite are spectacularly ignorant of the American people. by Victor Davis Hanson//National Review Online We are the hollow men We are the stuffed men Leaning together Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! Our dried voices, when We whisper together Are quiet and meaningless As wind in dry grass Or rats’ feet over broken

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What Do the Trumpsters Want?

There are many reasons to oppose Trump. But those aren’t the reasons being cited. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Count the reasons to oppose Donald Trump’s candidacy for the Republican nomination for president. His conservative credentials are thin, recent, and often haphazard. His brash style will likely alienate more voters than it

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