VDH UltraRes Ipsa Loquitur

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Consider five self-evident banalities. Joe Biden has serially attacked the Saudi Arabian government after the Khashoggi murder. Fine, there is much to criticize among the Saudi monarchs. But did anyone believe that the Saudis in any sizable way would pump thousands of more barrels of oil per day to lower

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VDH UltraA Covid Afterthought

Victor Davis Hanson Eeyore’s Cabinet Recently, there has been increasing pressure on China either to produce more data exonerating itself of birthing the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or to confess that the pathogen escaped from its secretive biosafety Level 4 virology lab and was human-engineered, showing insidious characteristics not found in nature. If the latter is true,

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VDH UltraWater, water, water…and not a drop. Continued.

Victor Davis Hanson 6) Twenty-million Californians living on a thin, dry, coastal, 400-mile strip, from La Jolla to north of Berkeley. That they sit atop no real aquifer and enjoy little precipitation is still not unnatural given the importance of these elites. Such critical populations must be continually supplied by otherwise not-natural, long-distance transfers of

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VDH UltraWater, water, water…and not a drop. Continued. Read More »