Ahmed and the Art of the Psychodrama
Ahmed the clockmaker and Columbia’s Mattress Girl are reminders that there are careerist advantages to becoming a victim of religious, racial, or sexual prejudice. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media During Pope Francis’s parade in Washington, 5-year-old Sophie Cruz suddenly dashed up to the popemobile and handed His Holiness a note about the wretched plight of her illegal-alien […]

The Three Crucial Factors to Maintaining the Peace in Europe
by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The bailed-out Greeks are still broke. Now their islands are flooded with a horde of migrants from the Middle East and Africa. Spain, Portugal, and Italy are almost in the same boat. Their shared Mediterranean traditions — and vulnerabilities — are far different from those of northern Europe’s […]

Hillary Clinton’s Empire of Dirt
Hillary Clinton’s Freudian Slip by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media For nearly 40 years, Bill and Hillary Clinton have crafted joint power careers. But “in the end,” what have they become? What is left but their front foundation, their Soros-funded surrogates, and their lock-step loyalists — in other words, their “empire of dirt”?

The 2016 Pack
Plus some thoughts on Michael Walsh’s The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, and the damage inflicted upon American culture by the Frankfurt School. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media We don’t know yet what issue will end up driving the autumn phase of the 2016 election. In 2008 a hectoring Obama thought it would always be […]

‘Black Lives Matter’—a Year From Now
Exploring the many reasons why the slogan “Black Lives Matter” will be gone within a year. What will replace it? by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media In the post-civil rights era of the last half-century, a number of black triumphalist slogans and movements have come and gone. “Black is beautiful” was an informal self-help […]

Obama’s Utterly Hypocritical Response to Trump’s Criticisms of His Record
by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO – The Corner President Obama just said this about Donald Trump’s disparagement of the last seven years: “In the echo chamber that is presidential politics, everything is dark and everything is terrible.” Presidential candidates “don’t seem to offer many solutions for the disasters that they perceive, but they’re quick […]

Why Do Migrants Always Flock to the West?
by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online There is a tragic monotony to the latest massive human migration, this one involving Syrians fleeing their war-torn country. Whether the migrants are from Mexico, the Islamic world, or elsewhere, it is always the same: Migrants flock to the West.

Is Obamism Correctable?
Here and abroad, the Obama administration damages whatever it touches. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The next president and Congress will inherit what President Obama left behind. Whether Democrat or Republican, the president will have no choice other than to try to undo much of what Obama has wrought. But can he […]

The Weariness of the Whiners
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Brandon Marshall, the New York Jets wide receiver and occasional sports commentator, charges that the National Football League is racist [1]. He alleges that the league favors white players over black athletes like him, especially white marquee quarterbacks. Aside from the fact that Marshall recently signed a three-year […]

America’s Descent into Lawlessness
by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Do you remember Lewis “Scooter” Libby? In 2003, the Department of Justice appointed a special counsel to investigate allegations that Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff, unlawfully disclosed the covert status of CIA operative Valerie Plame.

Is the West Dead Yet?
The West is paradoxically dominant on the global stage and eroding from within. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Never has Western culture seemed so all-powerful. Look at the 30 top-ranked universities in the world; they are all American, British, or European — albeit these rankings are based largely on the excellence of […]

Hillary’s Campaign Has Already Begun to Derail
by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Hillary Clinton’s second race for the presidency is only about a quarter through, but she already seems to be causing general fatigue. The lurid revelations about the Clinton Foundation proved that it was not so much a charity as a huge laundering operation. Quid pro quo donations from the […]

Victor Davis Hanson is teaching a course on “Leadership, Ancient and Modern” at Hillsdale College
THE HILLSDALE COLLEGE HISTORY DEPARTMENT PRESENTS A CONSTITUTION DAY PUBLIC LECTURE Reflections on the GOP Presidential Debates and Prospects for the 2016 Election Thursday, SEPTEMBER 17 • 7:00 PM MARKEL AUDITORIUM IN THE SAGE CENTER FOR THE ARTS VICTOR DAVIS HANSON Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in […]

Prophets Without Honor: Europe, Immigration and Trump
Why a crucial problem is back in the national conversation. by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Europe’s slow-motion immigration disaster has accelerated with the continuing turmoil in the Middle East and Africa. In Calais hundreds of illegal immigrants stormed the entrance to the cross-Channel tunnel in an attempt to reach more immigrant-friendly England. In […]

What Makes Donald Run?
He’s giving fed-up Republicans something other candidates are not. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Donald Trump has at least three things going for him. One, the mood of the country remains foul and fed-up — and volatile to the point that conventional wisdom is hardly reliable. Two, Trump has turned invective and narcissism […]

How Illegal Immigration Finally Turned Off the Public
If there were not a Donald Trump, he would likely have had to have been invented. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Why did the illegal-immigration issue launch Donald Trump’s campaign? Why did his recent tense press conference exchange with Univision’s Jorge Ramos please even some of Trump’s liberal critics? What is it about […]

What Does the Modern Malleability of Gender and Race Mean for the Future of Affirmative Action?
by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In the present postmodern world, we are told that there is no such thing as a biologically distinct gender. Instead, gender is now socially constructed. It can be defined by the individual in almost any way he or she sees fit. In the old days, many clinical psychologists […]

Donald Trump and the Other Class Warfare
When democratic masses tire of being condescended to. by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The rise and continuing popularity of Donald Trump reminds us that “class warfare” is an eternal constant of democracies, for as Plato said, every city is in fact two cities, “one the city of the poor, the other of the […]

The Democrats: Too Old and Too White?
Leftwingers’ taunts in 2008 and 2012 have come back to haunt them. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In the jubilation of the Obama election victories of 2008 and 2012, the Left warned Republicans that the party of McCain and Romney was now “too old, too white, too male — and too few.” […]