Who Watches the Watchmen?
by Victor Davis Hanson Originally published in the National Review. Read the original article here. History shows that special counsels almost inevitably overstep their mandates. Former FBI director Robert Mueller was supposed to run a narrow investigation into accusations of collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government. But so far, Mueller’s work […]

Trump’s Fate
by Victor Davis Hanson Originally published at the National Review. Read the original article here. Plenty of people in ‘flyover’ country like not only Trump’s message — and actions — but also Trump, the loudmouth messenger. The political verdict seems out on Trump’s current political future. His supporters have won four special congressional elections. Yet, […]

Uncommon Knowledge Part I: The Second World Wars with Victor Davis Hanson
How were the Axis powers able to instigate the most lethal conflict in human history? Find out in part one of this episode as Victor Davis Hanson, joins Peter Robinson on Uncommon Knowledge to discuss his latest book, The Second World Wars. Victor Davis Hanson explains how World War II initially began in 1939 as a […]

VDH Ultra
11/27/2017 From an Angry Reader: Rarely have I read such infuriating nonsense as intellectual outlier Victor Davis Hanson spouts in his thoroughly delusional commentary about Trump. I know he’s been a blind Trumpeter since the con artist’s campaign began, and he remains steadfast in defending the indefensible. His pack of fraudulent claims, gross exaggerations, […]

China’s New Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review China is following the same path to regional hegemony that Japan did in the 1930s. A few weeks ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping offered a Soviet-style five-year plan for China’s progress at the Communist Party congress in Beijing. Despite his talk of global cooperation, the themes were […]

A Thanksgiving Toast To The Old Breed
by Victor Davis Hanson// Defining Idea The late World War II combat veteran and memoirist E. B. Sledge enshrined his generation of fellow Marines as “The Old Breed” in his gripping account of the hellish battle of Okinawa. Now, most of those who fought in World War II are either dead or in their […]

VDH Ultra
From an Angry Reader: Dear Professor Hanson, I read your article on Stalingrad and I wanted to respond. The German 6th army in Stalingrad had Slovakian and Croatian units in the city. On the flanks of the 6th army was the Italian 8th army which played a huge role in Russia and was […]

Why Do These Wars Never End?
By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Weaker enemies, by design, do not threaten stronger powers existentially; ‘proportionality’ means stalemate. From the Punic Wars (264–146 b.c.) and the Hundred Years War (1337–1453) to the Arab–Israeli wars (1947–) and the so-called War on Terror (2001–), some wars never seem to end. The dilemma […]

VDH Ultra
From an Angry Reader: Victor Victor Victor… Come on lad … With your education I really thought that you would know that “nuclear” is pronounced nu-cle-ar, NOT nuc-u-ler. That is the way “dub-ya” pronounced it and he could get away with it because he is an idiot. You are not! Please fix that […]

America’s Indispensable Friends
By Victor Davis Hanson// National Review As long as the U.S. remains good to weaker but humane states located in dangerous neighborhoods, it will remain great as well. The world equates American military power with the maintenance of the postwar global order of free commerce, communications, and travel. Sometimes American power leads […]

VDH Ultra
11/15/2017 From an Angry Reader: Read your article in the NR. Bad research, poorly written, some facts and a lot of your very biased opinions. In short it is mostly drivel. I hope your other work has good foundation and is better researched. You should take the trouble to visit the so called “rogue states” […]

Let Down at the Top
by Victor Davis Hanson//National Review Our Baby Boomer elites, mired in excess and safe in their enclaves, have overseen the decay of our core cultural institutions. Since the Trojan War, generations have always trashed their own age in comparison to ages past. The idea of fated decadence and decline was a specialty of […]

“Stu Taylor on Business” Interviews VDH
Listen now to Stu Taylor interview VDH.

Remembering Stalingrad 75 Years Later
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review It is now fashionable to demonize Russia, but most Americans have forgotten key aspects of 20th-century history, including the Russians’ fight to stop the march of Nazi Germany. Seventy-five years ago this month, the Soviet Red Army surrounded — and would soon destroy — a huge invading […]

The Year That Changed History
by Victor Davis Hanson Defining Ideas Sometimes, just a few months can change the course of civilization. That’s what happened in 1942 when a series of decisive events changed the trajectory of World War II. Before that turning point, Germany seemed destined for victory. In 1939 and 1940, Hitler’s army had won a series of […]

California, the Rhetoric of Illegal Immigration, and the Perils of Ignoring Thucydides’s Warning
By Victor Davis Hanson // Eureka Vocabulary changes always reflect the agendas of a political debate. The fight over illegal immigration plays out by altering words and their meanings. Take the traditional rubric “illegal alien.” The English has been clear and exact for nearly a century: illegal alien (cf. Latin alienus) was a descriptive term […]

Don’t Forget Middle East Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Thanks to the Iran deal, the mullahs can buy nearly all the weapons they need. There is currently a real Asian pivot as the president completes one of the longest presidential tours of Asia in memory. Three carrier battle groups are in the West Pacific. America […]

Whatever doesn’t kill Trump only makes him stronger
Los Angeles Times Victor Davis Hanson Former FBI Director James B. Comey attends a hearing before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing in Washington on June 8. (Brendan Smialowsk / AFP/Getty Images) Donald Trump presides as he campaigned. He is proving a Nietzschean figure in the sense that “what does not kill him […]

Who Gets to Have Nuclear Weapons — and Why?
By Victor Davis Hanson// National Review The rules used to be controlled by two big powers, but not anymore. Given North Korea’s nuclear lunacy, what exactly are the rules, formal or implicit, about which nations may have nuclear weapons and which may not? It is complicated. In the free-for-all environment of […]