The Rise Of The New Old Left
Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution In the 1960s, campus radicals were branded the New Left. The media saw the mélange of radicals like Bill Ayers, David Delinger, Jane Fonda, Allen Ginsberg, Abbie Hoffman, Herbert Marcuse, Jerry Rubin—as well as hippies, the Black Panthers, the gay liberation movement, La Raza, women’s liberation, draft resistance, and […]

Nothing Exempt: 102. Dr Victor Davis Hanson
Listen in on my most recent interview with Nothing Exempt: #podcast today is a special interview with guest Dr Victor Davis Hanson he is a columnist, author, and overall #HighIQ We explored the #demographic problem in California and the direction of the state. The tail end of the conversation discusses the #intervensionism of American foreign […]

The Perpetual Presidency
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Former President Barack Obama recently continued his series of public broadsides against his successor, Donald Trump. Obama’s charges are paradoxical. On one hand, Obama seems to believe that he, rather than Trump, should be credited with the current economic boom and the emergence of the United States as the […]

Victor Davis Hanson on Trump’s Candor
Please watch my recent interview with Conduit News on Trump’s Candor. Watch the video here.

Angry Reader 12-05-2018
From An Angry Reader: Subject: on California’s horrific wildfires Dr. Hanson’s ARTICLE omits 3 important aspects Dear Dr Hanson, A friend from Santa Monica pointed out 3 important things that your article omitted. Is her critique something you can consider & respond to? Yours, Marty MD Anonymous critique: It’s a mix. He’s a Hoover Institute […]

Angry Reader 12-04-2018
From An Angry Reader: Since you never state that POTUS lies 80-85% of the time when he speaks publicly, what are some examples of his fake news. Who has discredited the main stream news other than POTUS? On a scale of 1 to 10 just how right wing is the Hoover Institute at Stanford University? […]

One-Eyed-Jack Law
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Robert Mueller’s legal team may write a damning report on Trump’s ethics, based mostly on flipping minor former business associates of Trump’s and transient campaign officials by threatening them with long prison sentences. So far, we know that the U.S. government decided to intervene in a political campaign to […]

Angry Reader 12-03-2018
From An Angry Reader: This was the worst piece of historical analysis I’ve ever read in any halfway respectable publication. Please ask your alma mater for a refund on all degrees earned. There isnt (sic) enough time in the day to go through all the stupidity you posted, but I will point out what is […]

Victor Davis Hanson On Contemporary American Society
Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution Traditional values, whether manifested in public policy or contemporary culture, are besieged in today’s America but can still be found in the right places, says Victor Davis Hanson. Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. His focus is on classics and military history. Last year, […]

Does ‘Make X Great Again’ Ever Happen in History?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The short answer: Sometimes. Here’s one example. By 527 A.D., the Eastern Roman Empire at Constantinople seemed fated to collapse like the West had a near century prior. The Persian Sassanids were gobbling up Byzantine lands in the east. Almost all of old Rome west of Greece had already […]

Is There a 51 Percent Solution for Trump?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness President Trump’s challenges are not really his economic policies and foreign affairs agendas. For the most part, they are supported by the American people and are resulting in prosperity at home and security abroad. The economy continues to deliver near-record-low unemployment, wage gains, strong growth and unmatched energy production. […]

Putin attacks Ukraine again to boost his popularity at home
Please read this piece by my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in The Hill Over the weekend, the Russian navy fired upon and seized three Ukrainian navy vessels, wounding multiple sailors in the process. In addition, a Russian ship has been positioned to block entrance from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov. Ukraine has called for an […]

The Trump Paradox
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Today, Jim Geraghty writes snidely: VDH writes, “The hostile reaction to Trump is a sort of proof of his success.” Does it follow, then, that if Trump was widely loved, it would be proof of his failure?” Geraghty creates a false either/or binary. The hostile reaction against Trump does largely arise from […]

How Did Shane End Up?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In director George Stevens’s classic 1953 Western, Shane, a mysterious stranger and gunfighter in buckskin with a violent past, rides into the middle of the late-1880s Wyoming range wars between cattle barons and homestead farmers. The community-minded farmers may have the law on their side, but the open-range cattlemen […]

The Costs of Presidential Candor
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Predictably, Donald Trump was attacked both by the establishment and the media as “crude,” “unpresidential,” and “gratuitous” for a recent series of blunt and graphic statements on a variety of current policies. Oddly, the implied charge this time around was not that Trump makes up stuff, but that he […]

Did 1968 Win the Culture War?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Fifty years ago this year, the ’60s revolution sought to overturn American customs, traditions, ideology, and politics. The ’60s radicals eventually grew older, cut their hair, and joined the establishment. Most thought their revolution had fizzled out in the early 1970s without much effect, as Americans returned to “normal.” […]

The Mad, Mad Meditations of Monsieur Macron
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Almost everything French president Emmanuel Macron has said recently on the topic of foreign affairs, the United States, and nationalism and patriotism is silly. He implicitly rebukes Donald Trump for praising the idea of nationalism as a creed in which citizens of sovereign nations expect their leaders to put […]

Even California Cannot Defy Nature Forever
Victor Davis Hanson // City Journal California has been clouded under a blanket of smoke for weeks. Stanford University, where I work, sent students and faculty home early for Thanksgiving. The campus is more than 200 miles southwest of the 150,000-acre Camp Fire that just incinerated the Sierra Nevada foothill town of Paradise, and yet the […]

The Progressive Synopticon
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness In the post-election aftermath, Republicans are wondering about how they can capture that missing 2-5 percent of the electorate that lost them the House of Representatives. Could they pry away 40 percent of the institutionalized Democratic Latino vote on delivery of a full-employment economy of rising wages? Can they […]

Strategika Issue 55: The Structure of World Power
The Structure of the Contemporary International System Please read a new essay by my colleague, Joseph Joffe in Strategika. A monopoly obtains when one firm is free to set prices and output while keeping ambitious newcomers out of the market. The best example is Standard Oil in the late 19th century. Ruthlessly undercutting competitors, the […]