When Cabin Boys Attack
Julie Kelly // American Greatness Victor Davis Hanson is about as accomplished and credentialed a commentator you can find. He’s an author, a military historian, a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and a farmer in California. President George W. Bush awarded Hanson the National Humanities Award in 2007. By all accounts and appearances, he is […]

The Bulwark Embarrasses Itself Further With Attack on Victor Davis Hanson
Roger Kimball // PJ Media Being of a charitable disposition, I early on decided that the kindest response to The Bulwark, the NeverTrump redoubt started by Bill Kristol following the implosion of the Weekly Standard, was silence. If this tiny cohort of bitter and unhappy souls was determined to embarrass themselves in public, the best […]

Waging War Against the Dead
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The 21st century is in danger of becoming an era of statue smashing and historical erasure. Not since the iconoclasts of the Byzantine Empire or the epidemic of statue destruction during the French Revolution has the world seen anything like the current war on the past. In 2001, the […]

Never What?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review I wrote a book, The Case for Trump, in an effort — as an outsider who has no career investment in Trump and has never met him or visited the Trump White House — to analyze how and why Donald J. Trump was elected president and why his agenda so […]

Learning to Love the Deep State
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In the 1970s, the military officer corps and the top ranks of the CIA, DOJ, and FBI were, in the eyes of the Left, synonymous with Seven Days in May— and Manchurian Candidate–like conspiracies. Yet in 2016, these same institutions had been recalibrated by progressives as protectors of social justice against […]

The Continued Resilience of Quiet America
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Fifty years ago, the United States was facing crises and unrest on multiple fronts. Some predicted that internal chaos and revolution would unravel the nation. The 1969 Vietnam War protests on the UC Berkeley campus turned so violent that National Guard helicopters indiscriminately sprayed tear gas on student demonstrators. […]

Enter the Disrupter
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review No one in Washington called Donald J. Trump a “god” (as journalist Evan Thomas in 2009 had suggested of Obama) when he arrived in January 2017. No one felt nerve impulses in his leg when Trump talked, as journalist Chris Matthews once remarked had happened to him after hearing […]

Historian makes ‘The Case for Trump’ in new book
Victor Davis Hanson // Fox News Hoover Institution senior fellow and author Victor Davis Hanson breaks down how President Trump won in 2016 and continues to win against the media and D.C. establishment. Watch the full interview on Fox here.

Episode 236: The Case for Trump by Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review John J. Miller is joined by Victor Davis Hanson to discuss his book, The Case for Trump. Watch the full interview here.

The Deep State Past and Present
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review All great empires of the past created deep states. The permanent bureaucracies and elite hangers-on adapted as imperial conditions dictated. Imperial Spain’s El Escorial outside Madrid, the courts of Renaissance Venice, and Byzantium’s Constantinople, or the thousands who lived at 18th-century Versailles, were all thronged with court functionaries. They […]

Pigs on Two Legs Turn on Each Other
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Tennis great Martina Navratilova until recently had long been coronated as a social justice trailblazer. She was one of the first marquee celebrity athletes to come out as gay, and then to advocate lesbian issues in and out of sports. But suddenly the icon seems out of step with […]

For Kim, his regime ‘ain’t broke’ — so why fix it?
Please read this piece by my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in The Hill The agreement that President Donald Trump is offering Kim Jong Un carries uncertain rewards and considerable risk for Kim. Trump’s offer is based on the false assumption that Kim wants a prosperous country from which he and the people of North Korea can benefit. […]

California’s Rendezvous With Reality
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Californians brag that their state is the world’s fifth-largest economy. They talk as reverentially of Silicon Valley companies Apple, Facebook and Google as the ancient Greeks did of their Olympian gods. Hollywood and universities such as Caltech, Stanford and Berkeley are cited as permanent proof of the intellectual, aesthetic […]

The Establishment Goes Trump on China
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Read recent essays on China. Visit think-tank public symposia. Hear out military analysts. Talk with academics and media pundits. Listen to Silicon Valley grandees. Watch Senate speeches and politicians interview on television. The resulting new groupspeak is surreal. If one excises the word “Trump,” what follows is a seemingly […]

From Victor Davis Hanson:
For the record, I recently spoke with @NewYorker’s @IChotiner per his request for a discussion on my recent book. The published piece was “edited and condensed for clarity”; however, the editing was done so in a way that omits the chronological accuracy of our conversation and the vast majority of what was said, which I […]

Yes, ‘This Is America, 2019’
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness There have been so far about three general reactions to the concocted Jussie Smollett psychodrama. One, and the most common, has been apprehension that Smollett’s lies will discredit future real incidents of hate crimes against gays and minorities. This could be a legitimate concern, given the tensions within a […]

Survival at the White House
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review No one in Washington called Donald J. Trump a “god” (as journalist Evan Thomas in 2009 had suggested of Obama) when he arrived in January 2017. No one felt nerve impulses in his leg when Trump talked, as journalist Chris Matthews once remarked had happened to him after hearing […]

Changing Reality With Words
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The reinvention of vocabulary can often be more effective than any social protest movement. Malarial swamps can become healthy “wetlands.” Fetid “dumps” are often rebranded as green “landfills.” Global warming was once a worry about too much heat. It implied that man-made carbon emissions had so warmed the planet […]

The New Nihilism
Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution As the 2020 election nears, there is as yet no coherent Democratic response to the Trump agenda. If Trump himself is unpopular and polarizing, his agenda is for the most part in sync with a majority of Americans who like the 3% annualized GDP growth; near-record peacetime unemployment; record […]

The Strange Paradoxes of Our Age
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Modern prophets often say one thing and do another. Worse, they often advocate in the abstract as a way of justifying their doing the opposite in the concrete. The result is that contemporary culture abounds with the inexplicable — mostly because modern progressivism makes all sorts of race, class, […]