One Cheer for the Schuette Decision

by Bruce S. Thornton // Front Page Magazine  Many conservatives are applauding the recent Supreme Court Schuette decision upholding the right of the citizens of Michigan to ban racial preferences. As Charles Krauthammer writes, the 2003 Grutter decision, which like Schuette did not ban racial preferences altogether, was correct: “The people should decide. The people responded accordingly. Three years later, they crafted a referendum […]

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Foreign Policy: From Bad to None

Our enemies are gloating, and our allies are grimly deciding where to go from here. by Victor Davis Hanson Barack Obama had a foreign policy for about five years, and now he has none. The first-term foreign policy’s assumptions went something like this. Obama was to assure the world that he was not George W.

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The Progressive Paradigms Lost

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  The progressive mind functions in terms of fossilized paradigms into which every crisis and problem are fitted, no matter how many qualifying or contradictory facts are left behind. These paradigms are part of a worldview, a picture of human existence that gives it coherence and meaning, and a narrative

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Harry Reid: A McCarthy for Our Time

The senator is a throwback to a type of American Politics better left forgotten. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online We should ask Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) the same question once posed to Senator Joseph McCarthy by U.S. Army head-counsel Robert N. Welch: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At

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Civilian Bundy and The Rural Way

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  I’m sure that Cliven Bundy probably could have cut a deal with the Bureau of Land Management and should have. Of course, it’s never wise to let a federal court order hang over your head. And certainly we cannot have a world of Cliven Bundys if a legal system is to

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Elites’ Sacrificial Victims

When your goal is to save the planet, you can’t worry about who may get hurt. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Why do our well-meaning elites so often worry about humanity in the abstract rather than the real effects of their cosmic ideologies on the majority? The dream of universal health coverage trumped

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The True Opponents of Immigration Reform

Too many special interests profit from the present mess. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Solving the illegal-immigration problem should not be hard. No one knows how many foreign nationals are residing illegally in the United States — estimates range from 11 million to 20 million. But everyone understands that it is an untenable

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Exclusive: The Ultimate Source of Islamic Hate for Infidels

by Raymond Ibrahim // CBN  Who is ultimately responsible for the ongoing attacks on Christians and their churches throughout the Islamic world? Focusing on one of the most obvious nations where Christians are regularly targeted—Egypt’s Coptic Christians—one finds that the “mob” is the most visible and obvious culprit. One Copt accused of some transgression against Muslim

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Progressive Insurance

The right ideological credentials mean never having to say you’re sorry. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  How do you ensure that you won’t be ostracized, denounced, or fired if you are a media celebrity, captain of industry, or high public official? For some, sexist banter is certainly no problem. Stand-up comedian Bill Maher

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