Are Drone Strikes More Defensible than Torture?

Democrats are hypocritically silent about Obama’s policy of targeted assassinations. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online There are lots of hypocrisies surrounding the recently released executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. But they pale in comparison to the current Democratic silence about President Barack […]

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Sloppy Thinking About ‘Torture’

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  Torture is one of those topics that often overwhelm sober reason with lurid emotion. Even people who usually are clear-eyed and rational sink into sloppy thinking and incoherent argument when it comes to torture. Peggy Noonan’s recentWall Street Journal column about the Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation

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Epitaph for Hope and Change

Obama has fundamentally transformed America, all right — but not as he intended. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online A perfect storm brought into power Barack Obama, a previously little-known Illinois community organizer. He had at best a mediocre record as a state legislator and rookie senator. Yet he quickly dazzled the liberal

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The Campus as California

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  Campuses are becoming the haunts of the very wealthy and the poor, with little regard for any in-between — sort of like California. Let me explain. Lately lots of strange things have been in the news about college campuses — from the Rolling Stone’s mythography [1] of the

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America Continues to Thrive

Even in its current malaise, the U.S. still soars above the global competition. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Germany’s first chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, supposedly once said that there was “a special providence for drunkards, fools, and the United States of America.” Apparently, late 19th-century observers could not quite explain how the

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Hillary’s Bad Politics and Worse Ideas

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Once again Hillary Clinton has given the Republicans some suicidal soundbites they should stash away for 2016 in the likely event she is the Democratic candidate for president. A review of some of her recent statements reveals that Clinton is not just entitled, money-grubbing, unlikeable, unpleasant, and unaccomplished.

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Lying for the Cause

If myths do more for social progress than facts — then why worry? by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Well aside from “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,” or blanket amnesty that is and is not lawful for a president to grant, there is a special category of progressive

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Ripples of Ferguson

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media There is some blame to go around in nearly all racial confrontations. Why the body of Michael Brown was left in the street for hours seems inexplicable. The apparent chokehold that contributed to the death of Eric Garner, with the benefit of video hindsight, does not seem to

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The End of Feminism

by Bruce S. Thornton // Defining Ideas California recently passed a law requiring that sexual encounters between students in universities and colleges can proceed only on the basis of “affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement.” Failure to resist or to ask the partner to stop the encounter can no longer be taken as consent. Institutions that

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War Clouds on the Horizon?

A large war is looming absent preventive American vigilance. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The world is changing and becoming even more dangerous — in a way we’ve seen before. In the decade before World War I, the near-hundred-year European peace that had followed the fall of Napoleon was taken for granted.

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