Obama’s ‘They’-Did-It Campaign

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The next five months should be interesting — given that Barack Obama is now experiencing something entirely unique in his heretofore stellar career: widespread criticism of his performance and increasing weariness with his boilerplate and his teleprompted eloquence. Continue reading “Obama’s ‘They’-Did-It Campaign”

The Potemkin President Disintegrates

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

After nearly four years in office, the tinsel and cardboard persona of Barack Obama is starting to fall apart. The political unifier who claimed, “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America,” has been exposed as one of the most divisive and partisan presidents of modern times. Continue reading “The Potemkin President Disintegrates”

Obama’s Presidency and the Pathologies of Progressivism

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

Obama’s presidency has failed miserably, but it has accomplished one thing: it has revealed for all to see the lethal pathologies of progressive ideology. This doesn’t mean progressivism will go away. Continue reading “Obama’s Presidency and the Pathologies of Progressivism”

Obama’s Gay Marriage ‘Evolution’ Deception

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

In yet another act of election-year cynicism, Barack Obama has announced, “I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” This statement follows similar pronouncements by Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan. To hear Obama tell it, this change reflects his “evolution” away from his previously stated position, which he made clear in 2008 a few days before the election: “I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Continue reading “Obama’s Gay Marriage ‘Evolution’ Deception”

Sitting Out Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

We recently saw lots of sit-down strikes and demonstrations — the various efforts in Wisconsin, the Occupy movements, and student efforts to oppose tuition hikes. None of them mattered much or changed anything. Continue reading “Sitting Out Obama”

Campaigning on Grievances

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

In 2008, a mostly unknown Barack Obama ran for president on an inclusive agenda of “hope and change.” That upbeat message was supposed to translate into millions of green jobs, fiscal sobriety, universal healthcare, a resetting of Bush foreign policy, and racial unity. Continue reading “Campaigning on Grievances”

Obama Off the Cuff

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Conservatives caricature 24/7 Barack Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter. True, his speeches are scripted; but we forget why so: He is very good at reading a prepared script as if he were talking off the top of his head, and he is very bad at actually talking off the top of his head. Continue reading “Obama Off the Cuff”

Obama a Creature of the Corrupt University

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

The November presidential election was the favorite topic at the Freedom Center’s West Coast Retreat last weekend. Amidst the prognostications and arguments about which Republican would or should get the nomination Continue reading “Obama a Creature of the Corrupt University”

Obama’s Virtual Rose Garden

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

When Barack Obama went into hibernation in December and vacationed in Hawaii, we noted that his poll numbers edged back up some. Continue reading “Obama’s Virtual Rose Garden”

Obama’s Racial Politics

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Never has America been more assimilated, integrated, and intermarried — as is evident in everything from politics to popular culture, from statistics to anecdotes. Continue reading “Obama’s Racial Politics”