What Are They Fighting Over?

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner 

The deficit this year may fall to below $700 billion, but that is still huge at a time of a record near $17 trillion in debt, and comes despite a supposedly recovering economy and more revenue, despite recent sequestration cuts, despite dramatic Apples_apple_piegains in U.S. domestic energy production, despite the return of the Clinton-era tax hikes to the top brackets, and despite the end of the war in Iraq and the wind down in Afghanistan.

Wars, tax cuts on the wealthy, and out-of-control defense spending were all in the past variously cited as causing these huge deficits. In fact, the more compelling causes were always chronically slow economic growth, out-of-control federal spending, and the exemption of nearly half of America from paying any income tax at all.

No wonder we have a deadlock, when the best medicine for restoring fiscal health—stronger GDP growth through suspending Obamacare, opening up federal gas Continue reading “What Are They Fighting Over?”

Bush’s Warranted Rehabilitation Will Come

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

George W. Bush’s September 14, 2001, so-called “bullhorn” speech, that he gave with his arm around fireman Bob Beckwith at Ground Zero (“I can hear you! Continue reading “Bush’s Warranted Rehabilitation Will Come”

Good News–What Good News?

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

I have a confession to make: I don’t quite understand the jubilation among the conservative-Republican forces during the last two months of the Obama crack-up, and here, unfortunately, is why: Continue reading “Good News–What Good News?”

Obama, Storyteller

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

A sign of an undisciplined mind is serial lapses into self-contradiction, or blurting out a thought only to refute it entirely on a later occasion. For a president to do that is to erode public confidence and eventually render all his public statements irrelevant. Continue reading “Obama, Storyteller”

Obama’s Presidency and the Pathologies of Progressivism

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

Obama’s presidency has failed miserably, but it has accomplished one thing: it has revealed for all to see the lethal pathologies of progressive ideology. This doesn’t mean progressivism will go away. Continue reading “Obama’s Presidency and the Pathologies of Progressivism”