The Power of Cool

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

When Barack Obama two years ago joked at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that potential suitors of his two daughters might have to deal with Predator drones (“But boys, don’t get any ideas. Two words for you: Predator drones. You will never see it coming.”), the liberal crowd roared. Continue reading “The Power of Cool”

High-Tech Nothing

by Victor Davis Hanson

PJ Media

Faster or Smarter, Neither, Both?

I am not a Luddite who wants to destroy looms. The modern age has made life comfortable in ways unimaginable just twenty years ago. Continue reading “High-Tech Nothing”

Two Bad September Days

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

Two terrible September days sum up the first decade of the new American millennium. Continue reading “Two Bad September Days”

Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

Given our economic doldrums and the still metastasizing debt, the legislation raising the debt ceiling won’t keep the economy from dominating the nation’s attention until next year’s election. Continue reading “Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball”

Time for a Foreign Policy Paradigm Shift

by Bruce S. Thornton

FrontPage Magazine

The greatest danger in foreign policy is a reliance on worn out paradigms and unexamined assumptions. This received wisdom acts as a mental filter that ignores new developments and lets through only that information which fits the preordained narrative. Continue reading “Time for a Foreign Policy Paradigm Shift”

Bush Did It! Bush Didn’t Do It!

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

During the 2008 campaign Barack Obama ran more against lame-duck President Bush than against his Republican opponent, John McCain. Continue reading “Bush Did It! Bush Didn’t Do It!”

Rules for Killing Rogues

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

The welcome end of Osama bin Laden at the hands of helicopter-borne American military commandos raises a number of issues. Continue reading “Rules for Killing Rogues”

The American Soviet

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

The security forces of Bashar Assad — a thug whom Hillary Clinton deemed a “reformer,” and with whom Barack Obama was determined to restore diplomatic relations — are slaughtering hundreds in the streets of Syria’s major cities. I know that the Turkish government will express no outrage. Continue reading “The American Soviet”

President Hamlet

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

More than 400 years ago, William Shakespeare wrote a riveting tragedy about a young, charismatic Danish prince who vowed to do the right thing in avenging his murdered father. That soon proved easier said than done. As a result, Hamlet couldn’t quite ever act in time — given all the ambiguities that such a sensitive prince first had to sort out. Continue reading “President Hamlet”

Obama’s 1979

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

Obama’s deer-in-the-headlights, finger-to-the-wind, “I can’t believe this is happening to me” initial reaction to the Mubarak implosion has eerie precedents. Continue reading “Obama’s 1979”