Brotherhood Torture Chambers (Finally) Exposed

by Raymond Ibrahim // FrontPage Magazine

Some time ago, Fox News published a report titled “Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest.”   The report opens by explaining how: Continue reading “Brotherhood Torture Chambers (Finally) Exposed”

Brennan’s Testimony and Waterboarding Misinformation

by Bruce S. Thornton


The Senate Intelligence Committee last week grilled Obama’s pick to head the CIA, John Brennan, on all sorts of issues. Democrats worked him over about the CIA’s interrogation, detention, and droning of terrorist suspects, while Republicans were concerned about leaks of classified information. Continue reading “Brennan’s Testimony and Waterboarding Misinformation”

The New Age of Falsity

by Victor Davis Hanson

National Review Online

We live in an age of falsity, in which words have lost their meanings and concepts are reinvented as the situation demands. The United States is in a jobless recovery — even if that phrase largely disappeared from the American lexicon about 2004. Good news somehow must follow from a rising unemployment rate, which itself underrepresents the actual percentage of Americans long out of work. Continue reading “The New Age of Falsity”


by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

We are in a long war against radical Islamic terrorism. The struggle seems almost similar to the on-again/off-again ordeals of the past — such as the French-English Hundred Years War of the 14th and 15th centuries, or the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants in the 17th century. Continue reading “Predator-in-Chief”

The Cheney Memoir: Hype and Reality

by Victor Davis Hanson

NRO’s The Corner

I’m about halfway through the new Cheney memoir, In My Time, and it does not at all resemble the media’s description of it — a highly controversial book preoccupied with scoring points against rivals — which suggests that many of those who have written about it have not read it. Continue reading “The Cheney Memoir: Hype and Reality”

Imprecise Language Breeds Dangerous Policy

by Bruce S. Thornton

Advancing a Free Society

In his classic essay “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell identified a “lack of precision” as the besetting sin of politicized writing, either through incompetence or indifference as to whether “words mean anything or not.” Continue reading “Imprecise Language Breeds Dangerous Policy”

Rules for Killing Rogues

by Victor Davis Hanson

Tribune Media Services

The welcome end of Osama bin Laden at the hands of helicopter-borne American military commandos raises a number of issues. Continue reading “Rules for Killing Rogues”