Was Benghazi a Scandal?

Scandals — or fundamental transformations?

photo by Getty images via NRO
photo by Getty images via NRO

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online


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8 thoughts on “Was Benghazi a Scandal?”

  1. Michael D Marcus

    Mr. Hanson,
    Over the years I have come to read many of your books and articles and seen many of your lectures and interviews. I perceive you as a wonderful example of the very best of liberal (not in the sense of current common usage of the word) education…intelligent, thoughtful, insightful and clear thinking.

    I am increasingly alarmed at the continued degrading of our quality of life and status as a nation. I hold the current administration to blame for many of these ills, as I know you do. I am heart-broke and sickened by the state of affairs, especially because of my family background. I am 2nd generation Greek/Italian. My grandparents came to the U.S as legal immigrants. They worked hard for the American dream. We fought hard, too. While not a “military family”, we served in WWI (grandfather), WWII (father and uncles), Vietnam (brother and me) and recently in Iraq and Afghanistan (my son). We served. We did our jobs and went back to our civilian lives. It wounds me to see the sacrifices that my family, and all the American families, have made, in service of this nation, being sacrificed at the altar of some harebrained ideology by this imperious president. It is counter to fundamental principles that built this nation.

    As such, I must ask you this honest question: have we not reached a point where this president can and should be impeached? What will it take for the this to happen?

  2. I am worried of the ripple effect this lawlessness will have on Americans.
    Will this behavior flow to citizens who see on a daily basis that there are no consequences for Your actions.

    Doug haas

  3. Benghazi illustrates the new guiding principle of US foreign policy: national security’s prime objective is to ensure that Obama is safe from criticism. Never mind everybody else’s safety. Obama is, in that sense, more equal than others.

  4. Of course Lerner took the fifth, as was her constitutional right. The question is — when the possibility of a smoking gun smack-dab in the middle of the Oval Office desk seems highly likely — why didn’t the Republicans grant her immunity? Hmm? It’s a simple question.

  5. Stuart Milligan

    The lies of Obama and his crew are now being delivered with smiles, because really, they’re too ridiculous to be delivered straight-faced. We’re already there, Dr. Hanson- the only hope that these freaks don’t own us outright is the possibility that we can prevent them from stealing the election again in 2016. Let’s not let it happen.

  6. An administration that will act lawlessly and willing to fabricate for political gain is certainly capable of creating a narrative for Bergdahl to use to vindicate himself. Unfortunately, the information will probably trash the solders of his unit. Would Chuck Hagel and Martin Dempsey do such a dishonorable deed in service to Obama and to the detriment of the USA? Of course they would and they probably have rehearsals underway with Bergdahl with the allure that if he remembers his lines he can become an American hero. Perhaps win a spot as a speaker at the Democratic convention in ’16.

  7. Regardless of how we “assess” our dear beloved leader’s governance, the fact of the matter is he DID promise to “transform” this once great country when he ran for the first time. He DID it and continues “doing” it. It is sadden me to see how the American spirit that has had shone and permeated around the world (even though people envies of our country but down deep inside they are thankful that America is leading the world, not China, Russian, EU etc.) This spirit is dimming and fading each day as the conducive utopian view spreads like a cancer virus within the future of this country. For one thing I just don’t understand is- Why do we want to become like Europe when it is failing in very possible ways right in front of our eyes and some of the countries are “steering” away from this socialist model (i.e. who’d have thought some of Scandinavia countries) We have lost our identity w/ these narratives of inclusive, multiculturalism, and collectivism axiom. I am all for diversity for exchange of ideas and discussions but not on the main principles of liberty and freedom that was the foundation in building this great country. But it is evitable that every great civilization will succumb to its own success and we are on our way. It will be interesting if we can “see” the future and what this country will look like within the next two generations. For one thing that I know for sure, commnie DOES NOT end well. Speaking from experience of course.

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