VDH’s The Traditionalist: Who Can Be Trusted?

Victor Davis Hanson Show // June 3, 2021

Introducing the new home for the “Victor Davis Hanson Show” published by John Solomon’s Just the News on the Art19 platform. This is the permanent home for the show which features episodes of “The Traditionalist” and “The Classicist.” We hope you enjoy.

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15 thoughts on “VDH's The Traditionalist: Who Can Be Trusted?”

  1. Peter Jacobson

    Are you planning a tour for 2022? I’d very much like to go on any tour you lead. Thanks for all your books, columns and podcasts. I love them all!

  2. Who are we supposed to trust?
    17 intelligence agencies confirming Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election,
    50 former intel officials advising that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation,
    34 members of WHO delegation asserting that Covid-19 came from a Wuhan wet market, and
    27 medical professionals signing a letter to The Lancet affirming us that the Covid-19 came from a natural source.
    a few of you at Hoover (Scott Atlas, Thomas Sowell, and yourself) and very few others.

  3. Carolee Wilson

    Please pass on to Jack that I wanted to acknowledge his departure from NR and thank him for a life time of contributions. I am glad to see that you are still keeping him busy. Stay healthy my friend.

  4. Douglas Johnson

    Mr. Hanson, You seem to have disappeared from the podcast world. I could not find an Art 19 app for my iPhone. Perhaps you could post something on your website with information on how to find you. Thank you.

  5. Hi Victor, from El Centro, California. When you can, make time for another looming disaster California will have to takle: the disappearing Salton Sea. Have a nice day.

  6. Charles Romer

    Big improvement all around (especially the host!). Looking forward to the app on Apple.
    Hope there is a way to consolidate all the two or three separate podcasts so I could listen to all, say, on along trip, or a long gym workout?

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