Unveiling the Deep State: Mark Moyar on “Masters of Corruption”

Join Victor Davis Hanson as he interviews esteemed military historian Mark Moyar, the William P. Harris Chair of Military History at Hillsdale College, about his latest book, “Masters of Corruption: How the Federal Bureaucracy Sabotaged the Trump Presidency.” Delve into Moyar’s firsthand experiences as a political appointee in the Trump administration, his challenges with the deep state, and the intricate workings of the federal bureaucracy. This episode offers a compelling look at the internal resistance faced by the Trump administration and provides insights into the broader implications for future governance.

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10 thoughts on “Unveiling the Deep State: Mark Moyar on "Masters of Corruption"”

  1. Thanks for being brave and standing up for what is right. This is exactly what needs done people need to keep outing all these corrupt politicians and make it heard at every turn until the people get it then they will be forced out do them the same way they did trump until they give up. One love UNITED we STAND WV genXer.

  2. Just finished listening. I become very angry listening to Mr. Moyar describes the corrupt bureaucrat class. This is just another example of how corrupt the government has become. It’s very depressing. However, thank you, Mr. Moyar for trying, and thank you, Dr. Hanson for all the great content.

  3. Reminds me of the tribulations of Scott Pruitt who Trump appointed to head the EPA. Trump should have done better supporting his appointees.

    Appointees need to treat career people like tenured professors. They can’t be fired, but the head can make life miserable for them by giving them horrible assignments so that they want to quit. Put them in awful offices. Send them to places they don’t want to go. They must go in assuming most career people are their enemies.

  4. Stansfield Turner, the CIA director under Carter, wrote something similar in 1985 in Secrecy and Democracy: The CIA in Transition. He showed that the career people stonewalled every directive or inquiry because they knew he wouldn’t be there long. He said he never knew what the CIA was doing.

  5. This is excellent. We have known for a long time that the corruption in our government is deep seated. Now we the public are getting somewhere; learning how the harms and obstructions to our goals are being accomplished. Thank you for this.

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