The John Batchelor Show: Beware the political speakers of “follow the science.”

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2 thoughts on “The John Batchelor Show: Beware the political speakers of "follow the science."”

  1. There is a whole list of lies, lies from Fauci, Birx, Gates, pharmaceutical companies, politicians, corporations etc! 2017 Fauci announced there would be a pandemic in 2019 or 2020, 2017 a couple in Canada who owned a manufacturing company (hydroxychloroquine) were found murdered in their home (still unsolved today), Gates is a eugenicist as was his father (the first head of Planned Parenthood) -Fauci’s wife works for the National Institutes of Health (Human Experimentation Department). Fauci has/had connections to Wuhan labs. Patents for the coronovirus began in the late 1990’s early 2000’s!!

  2. Walker Percy in the mid 1940’s warned that if a free country goes down, it will be because some bureaucrat named the urgency everyone’s listening to science.

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