Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to discuss the news of the week: campaign trail notes and questions, Supreme Court ruling allows federal agents subvert border defenses, our universities plagued by anti-Semitism and greedy professors, and are we at war with Iran?
Victor do you have an opinion on the goings on at Disney?
Inestimable content. Thank you
As a youngster growing up in Havana, I was exposed to the communist dialectic propaganda. Later in life, as a young ROTC instructor at California State Fullerton, I clearly recognized the trends in campus. Everyone I expressed feelings “deja vu” never took me seriously. What a relief! I wasn’t going crazy after all.
Didn’t Rush, and his audience, take the epithet “low information voters” that progressives meant as an insult, and turn it right back at them?
I find that most progressives have no understanding of irony, or a true sense of humor, and they probably still don’t get it.
@51:40 Right the second time, Professor-the simple past of “sink” is “sank”, not “sunk”. Though it seems to be getting more common in colloquial American English. “run” is undergoing a similar development, except that the simple past is replacing the past. I hear people say, “I have ran”. Mostly people from the South and the Southwest.
I was sat is common in the UK…
When the Supreme Court’s decision was announced, I wondered if Governor Abbott would reply paraphrasing Andrew Jackson: “They’ve made their decision. Now let ’em enforce it!”
Time for citizen soldiers to exercise their Unalienable rights.
The quickening and reckoning are over.
Time for a shot heard around the world.
The “tree of Liberty” quote by Jefferson is applicable here too.