Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to examine the recent attack in New Orleans, the explosion at Trump tower Las Vegas, KSM’s commuted death sentence, WHO’s misguided criticism of Israel, protesting Kash Patel as FBI director, and how California’s homeless problem is still a problem for Gavin Newsom.
I don’t believe that we will have a civil war because I don’t believe that a significant number of progressives and left wingers possess the courage to engage in physical warfare with bullets flying and the requirement to undergo extended hardships. Do groups like Antifa possess weapons? Yes. Possessing weapons doesn’t equate to knowing how to tactically employ them in large numbers. Especially when the enemy is shooting back. Who would fight this war? Their new man who detests guns and wants to avoid toxic masculinity?
I’ve pondered this question as well. The Left knows that a majority of the American people, as evidenced by the last election, doesn’t want their nihilistic agenda of open borders, Green New Deal mandates, defund the police, etc. So how will they gain and maintain power? If Harris and the Democrats had won, then they would’ve expanded the existing police state by packing the courts, more FBI raids of current and former opponents, and massive surveillance of the populace, and we would’ve been on a glide path to a totalitarian single party state where the Constitution will have been neutered. Luckily, this nightmare scenario has been averted for now, so the Left may have to resort to Plan B, which could resemble Northern Ireland circa 1975 with car bombings and targeted assassinations. The Left is well funded and there is no shortage of Luigi Mangione types willing to pull trigger or indoctrinated morons cheering them on. I’m very afraid for the future of our country.
I don’t think it’s likely, either. But not for the argument you make.
Progressives may not have the kind of courage, ie, the ability to override fear, that we see with soldiers, police, firefighters. But they may have the kind of reckless courage we’d expect from overgrown adolescents, and the lack of wisdom to know not to throw a punch as someone much bigger and stronger. And they don’t have to know strategy and tactics to use weapons. It’s their ignorance and their immaturity that makes them dangerous.
Also, we can’t rule out that deep staters who have control or influence over the military and in the military, couldn’t use them to do damage. And we can’t assume that everyone in uniform, military or police, would necessarily stand with conservatives, either.
If it comes to violence, I think it’ll be progressives who trigger it, and it will be a mess, whatever may happen. Few ever expect that it will, and that, too, doesn’t help to prevent it.
Thank you for your posts. I get more context from you then from national media. Did you happen to see the CBS Morning show of January 3rd. They showed some clips of some one placing pipe bombs under Washington D.C. park benches on or before January 5, 2021. However, they gave no context as to why they were showing this in 2025. They did not say why they did not show these clips in 2021. The news media seems more squirrelly than ever.