
Obama, ‘Son of Islam’?

by Raymond Ibrahim Stonegate Institute Many in the media are indignant with Reverend Franklin Graham, head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Invited on “Morning Joe” last Tuesday to discuss Christian persecution, the hosts turned the focus to interrogating Graham on whether he thought President Barack Obama was Christian or not. Share This

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Are You ‘Them!’?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Until the appearance of Barack Obama on the national scene, I knew of “them” only from an old sci-fi movie in which huge ants (“Them!”) ate people. Share This

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Obama’s Racial Crisis

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In the current racial circus, the president of the United States, in addressing an assembly of upscale black professionals and political leaders, adopts the style of a Southern Baptist preacher of the 1960s. Share This

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The Middle East Mess

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and the All the Same Old, Same Old Mess Each country in the Middle East poses unique challenges. That said, gender apartheid, religious intolerance, tribalism, dictatorship, statism, and lack of transparency and free expression are widely shared in the region, and mean that any particular …

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Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine Given our economic doldrums and the still metastasizing debt, the legislation raising the debt ceiling won’t keep the economy from dominating the nation’s attention until next year’s election. Share This

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An Exceptional Fourth of July

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services For the last 235 years, on the Fourth of July, Americans have celebrated the birth of the United States, and the founding ideas that have made it the most powerful, wealthiest, and freest nation in the history of civilization. Share This

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