
Pick Your Scandal

Violating Americans’ privacy while failing to identify the terrorists among us. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online All can agree that the Obama administration is mired in myriads of scandals, but as yet no one can quite figure out what they all mean and where they will lead. Share This

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Terrorism as Therapy

The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of contemporary terrorism. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online One common theme emerges from the hearings over the Benghazi disaster: The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of terrorists who harbor an existential hatred of the West. Share This

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An Ironic Press Conference

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The president did not really answer questions as much as lecture the nation at his press conference Tuesday about how everyone and everything are politicized except his own policies — as the same old themes and tropes always seem to reappear. Share This

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The Obama Borg

How “man-caused disasters” replaced Islamist terrorism in the Obama lexicon. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In Star Trek lore, the Borg was a collective of servile drone operatives that sought to assimilate other species into its “hive mind.” Share This

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The D-word

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Deportation has become a near-taboo word. Yet the recent Boston bombings inevitably rekindle old questions about the way the US admits, or at times deports, foreign nationals. Share This

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The Paradoxes of the Boston Bombings

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Al-Qaedism A certain American (or for that matter Westernized) resident or citizen — usually male, almost always young, born a Muslim, prone to guilt over temporary secularization or Westernization, as often (or more so) from Pakistan, a Russian Islamic province, the Balkans, Iran, the Philippines, or Africa as from

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The Islamist Pull

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Although information is still too sketchy to draw any comprehensive conclusions (other than that the Boston killings are not, as recently suggested, fall out from sequestration, the NRA, lack of gun control, climate change, right-wing tea-party zealots, etc.), there emerges a familiar profile to the suspects that we have

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