
The Progressive Paradigms Lost

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  The progressive mind functions in terms of fossilized paradigms into which every crisis and problem are fitted, no matter how many qualifying or contradictory facts are left behind. These paradigms are part of a worldview, a picture of human existence that gives it coherence and meaning, and a narrative […]

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The Anti-Empirical Left

Science is ignored when it doesn’t support politically correct policy. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online President Obama entered office promising to restore the sanctity of science. Instead, a fresh war against science, statistics, and reason is being waged on behalf of politically correct politics. After the Sandy Hook tragedy, the president attempted to convert

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Obama’s Pseudo-Scientism

Too hot? Too cold? Regardless, it must be global warming. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  President Obama came to California. He saw a drought. He announced the cause to be global warming and left. How accurate was the president’s diagnosis of harmful, man-made climate change in stopping rain and snow? First, a

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Flat-Earth Democrats

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine The victims of the tornado that hit Moore Oklahoma had not even been counted when Democrat politicians made fools of themselves by trying to link the disaster to global warming and Republicans. Share This

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It Was the Power, Stupid!

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I. Power — Always Was and Always Will Be In my dumber days, between 2001-2008, I used to wonder why the Left relentlessly hammered the war on terror (e.g., renditions, tribunals, predators, preventative detention, Patriot Act, intercepts, wiretaps, Guantanamo Bay) when these measures had not only proven quite useful

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“Nature Fakery”

by Bruce S. Thornton Defining Ideas At the turn of the twentieth century, President Theodore Roosevelt became embroiled in a public controversy over how some writers and naturalists described the natural world in overly anthropomorphic and sentimental terms. Share This

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God Is Not Dead

A Review of Cornelius Hunter’s trilogy. by Terry Scambray The Chesterton Review Darwin’s God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil (Brazos Press, 2001, 189 pp.) Darwin’s Proof: The Triumph of Religion over Science (Brazos Press, 2003, 168 pp.) Science’s Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism (Brazos Press, 2007, 170 pp.) Share This

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