Mohammed Morsi

Al Qaeda: The Defender of Christians?

by Raymond Ibrahim //  Muslim persecution of Christians is the “Achilles Heel” of the global Islamic movement’s image—the surest way of exposing its supremacist and intolerant elements and one of the main reasons the major media and establishment rarely report or address it. The logic (fully explained here) can be summarized as follows: Islamic and […]

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Kerry Boasts of ‘Pluralistic’ Syria Once Assad Gone

by Raymond Ibrahim //  U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, was recently interviewed about Syria.  While many of his assertions can be debated, one especially requires a response. Throughout the interview, he repeatedly insisted that, if Bashar Assad would only leave power, everything would go well — especially for all of Syria’s minorities. In his words: “I

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A Terror Leader Behind Bars in Egypt

by Raymond Ibrahim // FrontPage Magazine The supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, the head of the Islamist snake, Muhammad Badie—who had slipped security forces by traveling in and out of the Brotherhood torture camps (known as “peaceful sits ins” by the mainstream media”)—has finally been arrested in Egypt and is awaiting trial.  Not only was he the

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Exposed: Final Conversation Between Morsi and Sisi

by Raymond Ibrahim // On July 5, El Watan (“the nation”), one of Egypt’s most popular newspapers, published the final dialogue between General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Dr. Muhammad Morsi, which took place on Tuesday July 2, a few hours before Morsi’s final speech to the Egyptian people. A reporter who was taken to an adjacent room

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Democracy’s Dog Days

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media We all want democracy to thrive and flourish, but can it? The Obama administration was quite pleased that the anti-democratic Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood had come to power through a single plebiscite. That confidence required a great deal of moral blindness, both of the present and past.

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In Egypt, Media Sympathizes with Muslim Brotherhood, Persecution of Christians Ignored

by Raymond Ibrahim // NRO’s The Corner While Western media, following the lead of pro-Brotherhood Al Jazeera, continue demonizing the Egyptian military’s attempts to neutralize the Muslim Brotherhood terror bases – where people have been tortured, raped, and killed, all according to Islamist fatwas (yes, including the rape, more on this later) the media portray them as “sit ins”

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Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches

by Raymond Ibrahim // Gatestone Institute   Days ago, al-Qaeda’s Egyptian leader, Ayman Zawahiri, portrayed  the overthrow of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood as a “Crusader” campaign led by Coptic Pope Tawadros II who, according to Zawahiri and other terrorists, is trying to create a Coptic state in Egypt. Since then, not only are Egypt’s Christians and churches

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Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In

by Raymond Ibrahim // Gatestone Institute “I tell the Christians one word: We will set you on fire!” — Egyptian Muslim lady “In scattered locations across Egypt, mobs of hard-line Muslims,” according to Morning Star News, “enraged over the deposing of the country’s Islamist president [Muhammad Morsi] this week attacked Christian homes, business[es] and church buildings

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