
Winning the Latino Vote

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Over the last three weeks, I think I have read most of the post-election op-eds written on the Latino vote. I have studied exit polling, read sophisticated demographic analyses, and talked to as many Latinos in my hometown as I could. The result is that I would not …

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Learning from the Election

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media 1. Populism The Republicans have only won the popular vote since Ronald Reagan’s presidency on two occasions: 1988 and 2004. In both instances, even the patrician Bushes were able to paint their liberal opponents as out-of-touch Massachusetts magnificoes. Lee Atwater turned Michael Dukakis, the helmeted tank driver, into a bumbling …

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The Latino-Vote Obsession

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Postelection panic among conservatives about the Latino vote has reached the point of absurdity — and mostly reveals the naïveté of detached political grandees who know little about the ideology and motivations of those they are now supposed to adroitly woo. Republican postmortems have focused heavily on the …

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Anatomies of Electoral Madness

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media “Gonna be some hard times coming down.” —Kris Kristofferson, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid One way of making sense out of nonsense in this new age is simply to believe the opposite of what you read. I have been doing that and it often works. Share This

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The Academic Establishment Goes After Bruce Bawer

by Bruce Thornton Frontpage Magazine Bruce Bawer, the intrepid international journalist and Freedom Center Shillman Fellow, has just published The Victims’ Revolution, an expose of “Identity Studies” in American universities. These are the programs predicated on the allegation that certain minorities in America, mainly women, gays, blacks, and Latinos, are victims of continuing prejudice, bigotry, sexism, …

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Tuning Out a President

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Tuned-out Presidents Somewhere around early 2006, the nation tuned out George W. Bush for a variety of reasons, some warranted, but many not. Share This

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What Romney Needs to Do

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online About half the country disapproves of the job the president is doing. Most Americans think he has not handled the economy well. Yet a majority also believe that the tough times are still George W. Bush’s legacy, and, further, that Mitt Romney would not necessarily do any better …

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Legal Illegal Immigration

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services President Obama recently issued an edict exempting an estimated 800,000 to 1 million illegal aliens from the consequences of federal immigration law. Ostensibly that blanket amnesty applies to those who arrived before the age of 16 and are younger than 30; who are in, or graduated from, high …

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Liberal Illiberalism: The Liberal Assault on Liberalism

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Conservatives are put into awkward positions of critiquing liberal ideas on grounds that they are impractical, unworkable, or counterproductive. Yet rarely, at least outside the religious sphere, do they identify the progressive as often immoral [1]. Share This

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