
Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Genesis of Protests, Pandemics, and Good Journalism

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc discuss the Israel-Gaza war and pro-Palestinian protestors, US taxpayers funding gain-of-function research, why cold water is now healthy, Chief’s kicker celebrates motherhood, and Justice Alito wrongly accused by the Left, and Rufo, Kelly and Berenson, the best of journalism. Share This

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Junk Journalism

What the MSM calls “reporting” is often just activism, careerism, and narcissism to advance the Democrat agenda. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Once upon a time, Dan Rather — the fallen CBS celebrity anchorman from the evening news and at 60 Minutes – was the master of “gotcha” journalism. Rather would play up his …

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Why I Read the New York Times

by Bruce S. Thornton I get a lot of ragging from my fellow conservatives for reading The New York Times every day. But as I tell them, you have to know how the other side thinks. Share This

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Kingdom of Lies

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I am a subject in a kingdom of lies. At 57, I have grown up with decades of untruth — advanced for the purposes of purported social unity, the noble aim of egalitarianism, and the advancement of a cognitive elite in government, journalism, the arts, and the universities. Share This

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