Hillary Clinton

Indict One—And All?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness As we await the publication of all the impending indictments of former President Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Americans are trying to figure out what constitutes an indictable offense for current and retired public officials. Most legal experts, Left and Right, have noted: 1) Bragg promised in

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Ukrainian Paradoxes

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness One of the strangest things about the American response to Ukraine has been the willingness of the Left and the establishment Right to discount completely that the war is heading toward a rendezvous with ever-deadlier weapons and staggering fatalities—even as we witness increasing nuclear threats from a weakened and adrift

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What Will the FBI Not Do?

The FBI on Wednesday finally broke its silence and responded to the revelations on Twitter of close ties between the bureau and the social media giant—ties that included efforts to suppress information and censor political speech. “The correspondence between the FBI and Twitter show nothing more than examples of our traditional, longstanding and ongoing federal

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How Corrupt is a Corrupt Media?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The current “media”— loosely defined as the old major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, the network news channels, MSNBC and CNN, PBS and NPR, the online news aggregators like Google, Apple, and Yahoo, and the social media giants like the old Twitter and Facebook—are corrupt. They have adopted in

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The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Over the last few months the four icons of the Democratic Party—Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi—have hit the campaign trail. They’ve weighed in on everything from “right-wing violence” and “election denialists” to the now tired “un-American” semi-fascist MAGA voter—and had nothing much to say about inflation, the

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Permissible and Impermissible Incendiary Speech?

United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hit the airwaves to connect the recent assault on Paul Pelosi with “fascism” and “white nationalism.” She insists that both are now ubiquitous. And both prompt increasing politically motivated violence. (Ocasio-Cortez remains oblivious to the greatest sustained political violence in our recent history; the 120 days of Black Lives

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Who Denies Election Results?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness A Democratic myth has arisen that Donald Trump’s denial of the accuracy of the 2020 vote was “unprecedented.” Unfortunately, the history of U.S. elections is often a story of both legitimate and illegitimate election denialism. The 1800, 1824, 1876, and 1960 elections were all understandably questioned. In some of these

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Ukraine and the Malevolent Legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration

Ukraine and the Malevolent Legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness During the current Ukrainian war, the media has created a mythology that the Left was tough on Vladimir Putin’s Russia. And thus, now it simply continues its hard-nosed efforts in Ukraine. But nothing could be further from the truth. Aside from Biden’s original panic of evacuating American diplomatic personnel from

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Pushing the Envelopes in Ukraine

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness For all the dramatic late-summer Ukrainian success, we are witnessing yet another deadlock in the war—one that supposedly will be resolved by escalations on all sides. Mutually Exclusive Agendas A rebooted Ukraine is clamoring for more offensive arms. It claims it can win the war, with victory now giddily defined

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