French Revolution

Victor Davis Hanson Show

Revolutionary Culture and Its Critics

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler for a look at the Biden interview, the NY subway death, Budweiser’s advertising boohoo, counter-revolutions start to stand up, and Democrat’s gala affairs. Share This

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The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The decade-long French Revolution that broke out in 1789 soon devolved into far more than removing the monarchy, as it became antithetical to the earlier American precedent. American notions of liberty and freedom were seen as far too narrow, given the state, if only all-powerful and all-wise, could mandate “equality” …

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Our French Revolution

We are in a Jacobin Revolution of the sort that in 1793-94 nearly destroyed France. And things are getting scary. The Democratic Party vanished sometime in 2020. It was absorbed by hard-left ideologues. They were bent on radically altering, or hijacking, existing institutions to force radical, equality-of-result agendas that otherwise do not earn majority support. …

Our French Revolution Read More »

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