
Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Conservatives and traditionalists are often exasperated at the ongoing woke cultural revolution in their midst. How can America be turned upside down, as it is, when there is little public support for the things happening around us? They don’t see much backing for the current wide-open borders and unchecked illegal

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Anarchy, American-Style

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The 1960s revolution was both anarchic and nihilist. But it was waged against—not from—the establishment. Hippies and the Left either attacked institutions or, in Timothy Leary fashion, chose to “turn on, tune in, drop out” from them. The current revolution is much different—and far more dangerous—for at least three reasons. The Establishment Is

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10 Steps to Save America

10 Steps to Save America

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the United States. They are certain that our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war. Crushing national debt and annual deficits, spiraling

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