Claudine Gay

Victor Davis Hanson Show

Gaza War and Gay Resignation

In this news round up, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc discuss the extension of the Gaza War in the Middle East, the resignation of Dr. Gay, and California’s Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 (ACA7) yet another discrimination effort. Share This

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Harvard—Out the Frying Pan Into the Fire

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Harvard may assume the forced resignation of its president, Claudine Gay, has finally ended its month-long scandal over her tenure. Gay stepped down, remember, amid serious allegations of serial plagiarism—without refuting the charges. She proved either unable or unwilling to discipline those on her campus who were defiantly anti-Semitic in …

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Our Razor’s Edge

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness At the end of the year, we are on the razor’s edge of many things that soon may blow up. Americans are far beyond President Joe Biden’s serial untruths of some eight years that he never discussed Hunter Biden’s various get-rich-quick schemes. All were predicated on the perception of foreign …

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VDH UltraGay Will Go

Harvard President Claudine Gay’s tenure is on life-support. Why, then, would a woke black woman likely soon be asked to resign at one of the most leftwing institutions in America, especially when the Harvard Corporation board hired her precisely for her DEI credentials? Here are several reasons why ultimately she will have to go. If …

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