
Victor Davis Hanson Show

Movies, Novels, and the Death of Classics: Listeners’ Questions

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about Shane, The Searchers, Lonesome Dove, The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, The Bridge on the River Kwai and more movies, Robert Graves’s I Claudius, Mary Renault’s series on Alexander the Great and other novels, and Classics in education. Share This

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What Drives Vladimir Putin?

Aggressors often attack weaker neighbors to restore a sense of pride.  by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a disaster of a declining population, corruption, authoritarianism, a warped economy, and a high rate of alcoholism. Why, then, would Putin want to ruin additional territory in Crimea and Ukraine the way …

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The Death of the Humanities

A liberal arts education was once a gateway to wisdom; now it can breed ignorance and arrogance. by Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas  The humanities are in their latest periodic crisis. Though the causes of the ongoing decline may be debated, everyone accepts the dismal news about eroding university enrollments, ever fewer new faculty positions, …

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An American Satyricon

Our elites would be right at home in Petronius’s world of debauchery and bored melodrama. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Sometime in the mid-first century a.d., an otherwise little known consular official, Gaius Petronius, wrote a brilliant satirical novel about the gross and pretentious new Roman-imperial elite. The Satyricon is an often-cruel parody about how the …

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How Hollywood Has Ruined Sex

by Bruce S. Thornton //   In the early 80s my mom and her sister dropped by our condo while my wife and I were watching Payday on HBO. (If you’re unfamiliar with this movie and Rip Torn’s brilliant performance, just think Crazy Heart for grown-ups.) They happened to come in during a scene in which Rip Torn’s girlfriend …

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Needed: A Tragic Hero

In good times, the larger-than-life figure is an affront; in crisis, he is necessary. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Tragic heroes — from Sophocles’ Ajax and Antigone to the Western films’ Shane and Woodrow Call — can be defined in a variety of ways. But the common archetype is a larger-than-life figure. He …

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Nemesis, After All

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media A Plodding Goddess Like a broken record, for the last five years I have invoked the Greek concept of Nemesis, or divine retribution for unchecked hubris, to explain what was in store for the Obama administration. Share This

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Book Review: The Savior Generals – The Tough Who Got Going

by Mark Moyar Wall Street Journal For a police chief, keeping the streets of Beverly Hills safe will probably never qualify as an act of great leadership, if only because the task itself lacks a certain degree of difficulty. Share This

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Why Read Old Books?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media We all know the usual reasons why we are prodded to read the classics — moving characters, seminal ideas, blueprints of our culture, and paradigms of sterling prose and poetry. Then we nod and snooze. Share This

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