
Victor Davis Hanson Show

From Defeating the Left to Lab Rats

 Listen in as Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about current events: Trump-McConnell scuffle over election support, elections in Brazil and Israel, and the cruel policies of the “caring,” elite, educated Left. Share This

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A Man-Made Energy Crisis

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Gas is well over $4 a gallon in most places in California — and soaring elsewhere as well. But are such high energy prices good or bad? Share This

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America Through the Looking Glass

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media President Obama yesterday praised Brazil for its new offshore oil industry and said he wants to buy as much oil as possible in this new win-win partnership — although we have piled up $5 trillion in new debt, curtailed new petroleum exploration off shore and in the West, as …

America Through the Looking Glass Read More »

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