
Diplomatic Supping with Jihadist Devils

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine While Western diplomats wring their hands over trivial insults to Islam, a slow-motion genocide of Christians has been unfolding in the Muslim world. Share This

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Collective Punishment: “Wherever You Can Reach Them”

by Raymond Ibrahim Hudson New York During a recent altercation in Egypt, a Christian inadvertently killed a Muslim. This incident, according to an AINA report, “turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village.” Share This

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Did 2008 Come True?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Right-Wing Complaint of 2008 In 2008, the following was the general right-wing argument against Obama’s candidacy: Share This

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Top Muslim Declares All Christians ‘Infidels’

by Raymond Ibrahim PJ Media To what extent was Egypt’s Maspero massacre, wherein the military literally mowed down Christian Copts protesting the ongoing destruction of their churches, a product of anti-Christian sentiment? Share This

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Obama’s Empty Apologetics

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online At any time in the 2,500-year history of Western diplomacy, has a head of state been advised by his host not to apologize for a long-ago act? I cannot think offhand of any instance until, apparently, two years ago. Share This

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The Shalit Defining Moment

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The Palestinians have just shown the entire world their collective values — and the result is creepy beyond belief. Share This

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Defund the UN

by Bruce S. Thornton Defining Ideas Florida Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen has introduced in the House of Representatives the UN Transparency, Accountability, and Reform Act. Share This

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The State Department’s Skewed Standards

by Raymond Ibrahim Jihad Watch Earlier this month in the West Bank, “settlers attempted to burn two mosques, and vandalized an IDF base as part of the latest ‘price tag’ attacks. Share This

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The Middle East Mess

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Libya, Iraq, Syria, Iran, and the All the Same Old, Same Old Mess Each country in the Middle East poses unique challenges. That said, gender apartheid, religious intolerance, tribalism, dictatorship, statism, and lack of transparency and free expression are widely shared in the region, and mean that any particular …

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