Professional Military Education: Interview with Dr. Victor Davis Hanson

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7 thoughts on “Professional Military Education: Interview with Dr. Victor Davis Hanson”

  1. At this point, whether or not Moses existed historically is irrelevant! The fact is we have a work that we know has survived millennia that claims to be attributed to a person named Moses. We can choose to read the work a priori on this basis. I believe this could be considered the “phenomenological” way to understand it. Regardless of all other possibilities, this is the way the work presents itself to us. At this point, the “existence” of Moses depends entirely on how WE choose to read the work.
    There’s a story of a person who came up to a lecturer on Moses after he/she finished and said to them “I don’t believe Moses ever existed. It was another man by the name of Moses!”

  2. All your podcasts and columns are excellent, easy to understand and memorable. This one is beyond all of that! A perfect summary of exactly where we (the country) stands today. Thank you!

  3. Myron A White Jr

    Excellent.I plan to read the books about Grant and Sherman you talked about.
    I was in the USAF when Gen. LeMay was the commander of SAC.
    He was quite the leader.
    Would like to see a western campus of Hillsdale College. Hillsdale is a truly
    great institution.

    Thank you Dr. Hanson

    1. At this point, whether or not Moses existed historically is irrelevant! The fact is we have a work that we know has survived millennia that claims to be attributed to a person named Moses. We can choose to read the work a priori on this basis. I believe this could be considered the “phenomenological” way to understand it. Regardless of all other possibilities, this is the way the work presents itself to us. At this point, the “existence” of Moses depends entirely on how WE choose to read the work.
      There’s a story of a person who came up to a lecturer on Moses after he/she finished and said to them “I don’t believe Moses ever existed. It was another man by the name of Moses!”

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