Newsom’s Cronyism, DOJ’s Threat, and Intellectual Thieves

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about Newsom’s friends exempted from CA labor laws, insurance companies disappear from CA, Trump’s new campaign ad, the cartel-Chinese-fentanyl nexus, the DOJ’s indictments send a message to political opponents, and many DEI administrators are not just intellectual thieves but intellectual impediments.

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4 thoughts on “Newsom's Cronyism, DOJ's Threat, and Intellectual Thieves”

  1. Emelyn Patterson

    Well that discussion was pretty much of a bummer as was the one before with Sen Johnson. Okay, i think you and your colleagues have fully identified that “everything is falling apart”. I also read as suggested the Time article on how the Democrats “saved” the last election, to which you added, “and it’s only going to get worse.” The Senator”s response when asked what the Republicans can do said something like we should all stick together. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. The Republicans never attack, only respond too little too late.. So……….
    You have a huge audience. You have great power. I suggest you get more people on especially those in close races, discuss particular problems Counting only on Trump’s victory is far too chancy. Perhaps others like Drs. Sowell and Ferguson would do the same. Rush is gone; time for a new generation!
    There are thousands out here who listen and want to do something. Show us how and what.

  2. Thomas O'Brien

    If not already, anti-plagiarists should be looking at the text of Dr. Jill’s doctorate for plagiarism. When she was in that program she was the wife of a powerful senator, or perhaps even a V. P. So, it is reasonable to expect she was afforded certain privileges. No one would dare check her writings for plagiarism.

    Now whether she capitalized on these privileges or not, remains to be seen. But I think this question should be answered by parties at “arm’s length” from Trump and his campaign.

  3. The nation has no shortage of talented intellectuals who have skillfully described what ails America. But there is a shortage of workable recommendations for cure.
    We are irreconcilably divided as a nation. Future cohesion is a pipe dream. Only a maniac would trust the left with power. The left are fascists minus concentration camps, at least for the present. A diminished George III rules and most of the population recognizes him for the demented traitor he is. Those who dont are useful idiots or fools. Anarchy is a greater danger than armed civil conflict.
    The most likely means to counter our grave situation is repression in some form. It begins with martial law and spirals down from there.
    Rounding up and deporting millions of illegals will not work if performed with the rule of law. Excesses will occur and can’t be avoided. Containing the radical left won’t be accomplished by rational means. We are now a modest police state with minimal physical violence against the population. This will not be sustained.
    Cynical this is but it rests on human nature. We have had bouts of repression before in our history. Can we again be a democratic republic after the terror?

  4. Fleeing California: I am one of those small business people who left. I was a native-born Californian. As an economics student at Cal State in the ‘80s, I could see even then where the state was going. California was no longer the place I grew up in during the ‘60s and ’70s. I saw the beginning of the end for California when it was run by Willie Brown for the sake expanding the state payroll and making it effectively a one-party state. (Our last true conservative governor was George Deukmejian; everyone since was a disappointment) I remember not being able to get renters insurance in the late ‘80s because all of the insurers stopped writing policies after the California Supreme Court ordered insurance companies to pay out to replace $450,000 homes that burned in Oakland that had only been insured for $150,000. By 1990, my parents and siblings had left for better environs and I was the only one in my family left. Soon it was clear that unless I struck it rich with a tech startup, my income would always struggle to keep up with the cost of living, much less ever being able to own a nice home. And then there was the deteriorating quality of life you’re always mentioning; rising taxes, crime, crowding, failing infrastructure, mindless-but-expensive regulation, etc. All of my clientele involved in manufacturing were gone by then. In any academic environment whenever I’d mention the unsustainable problem that the upper-middle class that paid most of the taxes while ma

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