Israel at War Continues

Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc continue their analysis of the war in Gaza with discussion of US protests, Hamas’ charter, a disproportionate response and the potential expansion of the war in the region.

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20 thoughts on “Israel at War Continues”

  1. Notes:

    1. Apartheid occurs because of the Palestinians and not Israel.

    2. Disproportionate Israeli response is an euphemism for don’t protect yourself from terrorists.

  2. So how did this Palestinian issue even start in modern times? In 1948, U.N. Resolution 181 granted statehood to two states: a Jewish one called Israel and an Arab one called Palestine. This is the first time there is a nation or people with the name of Palestine, even though they were in fact all Jordanians. Immediately, five Arab nations attacked Israel, which continued to be attacked repeatedly for the next 15 years but successfully defended her nationhood.
    And now comes the seed that leads to the current support from the left of “Palestine.” In the early 1960s, the Arab coalition was not only physically losing wars, but was considered bullies of Israel in worldwide media. They were the Goliath that kept losing to David. So they hired the public relations firm of Dudley-Anderson-Yutzy in New York (founded in 1909, no longer in business) to change their image in the world. George Anderson told them they needed a “victim,” a group that would be perceived as smaller and even more abused than the Israelis, and the Palestinian cause was born.
    At Anderson’s advice, the Palestinian Liberation Organization was established on May 28, 1964. This is the start date of the “Palestinian cause”: 1964. After the 1967 war, when Israel kept Gaza, the Sinai, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank, the concept of the Palestinians as victims became more popular. While ultimately Egypt made a land-for-peace deal with Israel and has kept that peace, the other nations refused to do the same. “Palest

    1. Dr. Hanson I hope you can expand on the history mentioned above.
      I would find it very useful to understand the ancient history of the territory as well as the step by step actions that created the current situation from 1948.
      Please put to rest, as only you can, the claims that Israel is a colonizer, and has no right to its territory. Once again remind everyone about the justification for Israel and its location
      Also who are the Palestinians historically?
      Finally in your view what would be an preferred territorial solution.

      Inquiring minds want to know.
      Perhaps you can cover this on one your weekend shows when you discuss warfare.

    2. Charles,

      Excellent summation of Israeli and Jewish history. I would add the Balfour Declaration of 1917 when British foreign secretary Lord Balfour wrote that “the British government looks upon favorably to the creation of a Jewish state.” Michael Oren, in his book Six Days of War, attributes the Balfour Declaration to Jewish chemist Cheim Weizmann. Weizmann developed a cheap and easy way to produce acetone which is a vital ingredient of gun powder. Almost every artillery shell fired by the British in World War One used Weizmann’s acetone. Needless to say, the British government was grateful to him.

      The Ottoman empire had collapsed in 1916. The British and, to a lesser extent, the French then controlled most of the ME and created most of the modern countries in the region. For example, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Jordan.

      Israel is a tiny sliver of the ME, which is apparently too much for the Arab gulf states, even though they control all of the ME oil wealth.

      “Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.” – Golda Meir

  3. There is no historical Palestinian state or people. Over 4,000 years ago, there were small tribes living in Canaan, such as Moabites, Amalekites, etc. There was no Palestine of people or land. Then around 3,200 years ago, the 12 tribes of Israel, united under King Saul into the first kingdom in the region, a Jewish theocracy called “Israel.” That split into the kingdoms of Judah and Israel (both Jewish), which were conquered by the Babylonian empire a little over 2,500 years ago. This became the Persian Empire, which was defeated by Alexander the Great, and Israel was controlled by the Greeks.
    The Greeks were defeated by the Hasmoneans, and Israel once again became a Jewish state about 2,200 years ago. The Hasmoneans were beaten by the Romans, and there followed a series of kingdoms that controlled Israel: Byzantine, Sassanid, Ummayad, Frankish, Christian, and eventually the Mamluk Dynasty, which controlled the region in the 13th-16th centuries. This is the first time there is a governmental Muslim presence in Israel, but again, it is not related to Palestine as a people or nation at all. The Mamluks ultimately were absorbed into the Ottoman Empire, which controlled the region until it was defeated by the British in the 20th century. Nowhere in this 3,000-year history does Palestine or Palestinians exist or even get discussed. The British created a mandate called “Palestine” on July 24, 1922, which was the first mention of the word in thousands of years.
    So how did this Pales

    1. Thank you for the clearest and most concise history I’ve seen of the Territory. I should wish to see the conclusion (following the “So how did this Pales…”)

  4. The Speaker situation is very similar to that which characterizes the Texas House. The Texas Ds are in a ten-representative minority, but they vote as a block. The Rs are unwilling to behave as the ruling party. They allow the Ds to pick their speaker. Admittedly it is a Republican, but all the designated clown needs to do is promise a couple of key committee assignments to ten weak-kneed Rs, and he becomes the Speaker. This accounts for the “impeachment” of Ken Paxton. The Texas House panel didn’t bother to follow any of the house rules, they didn’t even collect sworn testimony from those who accused Paxton. I expect our Federal Rhinos to follow the same path. It is regrettable but that is where we are today.

  5. Victor Davis Hanson is brilliant in his analysis about the current and historical situation in Israel and the world’s response.

    I have shared this with many and hope it will have some effect on those who are clueless about what is going on in Israel and why a disproportionate response is the only way.

    Thank you Victor Davis Hanson. I could listen to your show 24/7!

  6. Richard Borgquist

    I still don’t understand why people come to USA with all its advantages and still want to hang on to the old country unworkable ideas. Do we need to consult some psychologists and psychiatrists?

  7. Julian Zuckerbrot

    The scenes of carnage were shocking. The Palestinian Arabs, propagating the libel that the Jews were attacking Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, slaughtered all the Jews they could find, 67 in total. The first reporters on the scene compared the rabbi’s house, where people had sought shelter, to a slaughterhouse, but the pools of blood on the floor and splatters of blood on the 12-foot-high ceilings were from human beings, their severed limbs left strewn about. Photographs of the atrocities were immediately put to use to blame the Jews, their captions falsely describing slain rabbinical students as Arab victims of the slaughter. It wasn’t Gaza and it didn’t happen in 2023. The scene was Hebron and the year was 1929, almost a century ago, as described by the Canadian journalist Pierre Van Paassen. What we have recently witnessed is, sadly, nothing new.

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