How is one to address the ethical implosion on campus, from pampered student bullies to timid professors to invertebrate presidents? We forget that the campus is a contradiction in terms. American higher education fears the consequences of its own ideology—from its exploitation of part-time Ph.D. faculty to the scam of hiking the rate of tuition increases above the rate of inflation and pegging it to guaranteed student loans, which it knows its customers cannot pay back.
More to the point, things won’t change until alumni, donors, and the public cease to support financially those campuses that refuse to protect freedoms as enshrined in the Bill of Rights and that empower rather than discipline student lawbreakers.
Instead of athletic teams threatening to strike and not play, the public should preempt them and simply not attend their games or watch them on television.
In justifying the boycott, the public can cite perhaps football and basketball programs’ lack of diversity and proportional ethnic, gender, and racial representation; their propensity statistically to be cited for campus sexual violence at a higher rate than true of the campus in general; and the dire need to address the disparate impact of their recruitment and scholarship policies—as well as their privileged immunity from the rules about class attendance, exams, and grading that apply to the rest of the student body.
If the public tuned out big-time university football and basketball, and donors stopped supporting politically corrupt administrators and curricula, things would gradually improve. Subsidizing opportunistic fascism is a bad idea.
Why will foreign families and students spend tremendous sums to provide a “quality” education at a prestigious US university? Our American system and society are currently well represented overseas by graduates of our university and college education system. This has been and still is one of America’s strongest and most pervasive influence for modern and functioning commercial and political countries. But as our university and research system becomes weaker daily, who will continue to support and respect it? If we teach the ineffective policies of European socialism, there will be no reason to attend our universities. It’s not hard to see growing aspects of impending failure of the American higher education system. The first and most notable aspect is the increasing cost with no corresponding increase in value. And remember: they pay full freight!
(part ii)
Fascism blazed the trail for Hitler by setting an authoritarian example for him in Italy. Fascist of course comes from the Italian word meaning group. Fascism emphasizes the importance of the state rather than the individual, like communism, but does not call state ownership of property. Therefore in Fascism is justified in starting the boycott, the public can cite through football and basketball programs’ while lack of diversity and proportional ethnic, gender, and racial representation along with their propensity statistically to be cited for campus sexual violence at a higher rate than true of the campus in general; and the dire need to address the disparate impact of their recruitment and scholarship policies. As well as their privileged immunity from the rules about class attendance, exams, and grading that apply to the rest of the student body or the motto “Believe, obey, fight” and the latter, “The Country Is Nothing Without Conquest.”
Your on the right track but until the big donors boycott, by not donating the funds for these expensive exercise in hubris it will not change.
Sensible idea, of course, good sense is a lot to expect from sports fanatics.