How Republics Unravel: From Rome to . . . America?

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4 thoughts on “How Republics Unravel: From Rome to . . . America?”

  1. Bari lost all credibility when she described the events of Jan 6th as if she was on the news staff at ABC. What sanctimonious piddle to brand yourself “Honestly” and then launch into a propaganda piece almost four years after all of his representations have been debunked.

    What a pity! The subject of the podcast was potentially interesting, however the entire piece is soiled by adolescent-minded theatre. Nobody should put any stock in anything said here. It’s a little disappointing to see Professor Hanson exploited into lending his good name to a piece he probably never got to see before it went to press.

    “He who steals my purse, steals trash … but he who filches from me my good name steals that which enriches him not, but leaves me very poor indeed.” A statement still true, notwithstanding the character who spoke it.

  2. Charles Carroll

    I have to agree with everything that Dwight Sullivan commented upon. Add to the fact that they omitted the portion of President Trump’s plea to protest peacefully and politically. Did anyone break tables and club government officials on January 6th?


    I have to agree with Sullivan, too, except for his comment on Weiss; I’m agnostic on that one.

    This podcast sounds like many YouTube videos by amateur historians in their 20s, speaking to their contemporaries or younger. It also reminds me of the average History Channel content. The podcast also has a bit of the flavor of Michael Parenti’s “The Assassination of Julius Caesar”. The podcaster applies 21st century views a little too much. While we can draw some lessons, perhaps, it’s not very fair to judge an ancient society by today’s values.

    Also, in making his comparison between the last years of the Roman republic and the events here in the wake of the 2020 election, he ignores the fact that those events weren’t the genesis of our situation, but merely the latest events in a process that has been underway since the 1890s, when progressive ideas were brought here from European universities, primarily in Germany, by American academics studying there. For example, the media didn’t decide in 2020 to abandon its mythical neutrality to support progressivism and its party. That has been underway since the 30s.

    I agree that VDH might not have had a true idea of what the final version would be, and might not have agreed to offer his content if he had.


    As a postscript-I usually share these posts to my social media pages, such as on X or Facebook. I don’t think this one is worth that.

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