Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler to examine the first day of the Democratic National Convention, Kamala’s economic policy, AOC’s buoyant appearance, why Iran dallies, Democrats side-step democracy, the GOP impeachment report, and can John Deere and Harley Davidson go woke.
Thank you Barbara. You have expressed my views better than I could. I wish VDH could understand why we support Mr. Trump. Keep the good thought.
Victor and Jack; Republicans are depressed because we cannot get our hopes up again and be destroyed by Trump losing for whatever reason. We are mentally preparing for another 4-8 years of crazy. We are gun shy to be hopeful. We all know why but no one will talk about it like it it didn’t happen. We know what happened last time and are not confident it won’t happen again.
Dr. Hanson, add me to the list of non-intellectuals who don’t mind DJT calling Kamala stupid, etc etc. I fear you think all people think like you with regards to ‘a good campaign’. I don’t believe Trump changing and being NICE or just hitting on issues will change anyone’s mind. Look at the media twist his words, no matter what he says. HE won the 2020 election without a doubt..he knows how to win elections. People don’t mind his crudeness (look at Biden and his screaming, it doesn’t turns dems away!) I for one, more than CRINGE at your advice to embrace Nicky Haley. Sickening and that would make him just like a politician..and me trust him less. NOT everyone dislikes his crudeness.
Yep any democrat is twice as crude as Trump and they don’t tell you of the countless stories and I mean countless of him personally doing things for people. Housing Jennifer Hudson rent free when her family was murdered. Dispatching his jet for a sick Jew boy who couldn’t get any commercial airline to accommodate his medical supplies. The list is absolutely on another level
Valid points, Barbara.
If ever a bull were needed in the china shop, it is now.
The Trump you’re advising doesn’t, hasn’t and never will exist, that’s why we’re all depressed. You apparently, along with the entire Republican leadership(although they’re once again hoping Trump loses just as they did in 2016 & 2020. Donyou forget who had majorities in 2017& ‘18 when Republicans hired 29 rabid Democratic prosecutors & gave them unlimited $, time & scope not to find the veracity of the Russian collusion which everyone already knew was a hoax but to find something(remember taxes) to force him out. You may sneer at “2000 Mules”, True the Vote & Omega4America but their evidence is overwhelming to anyone who has ever used Uber or is in the least familiar with the 100% of city voting precincts controlled by Democrats. Polls are “even”, sure & Trump was ahead in was it 5 of 6 swing states at 11pm and was behind at 8am the next morning.
Victor spoke of his friend’s fear of a Harris presidency should she win. If what we’re seeing in England since the recent riots is any harbinger then she has every reason to be afraid.
In the name of public safety the British government has sent hundreds of people to prison for making angry or odious online posts. Some of these have advocated for violence against migrants, which is unacceptable, but all of the government’s ire is aimed at the right.
Nobody should incite violence, but the Supreme Court via the Brandenburg ruling in 1969 has said that the speech has to pose an “imminent” risk of violence to be censored. The standard the UK government uses is much lower and quite vague. It can cover, for example, criticism of trans ideology. And it’s not just ordinary people the UK government is trying to punish and silence. They have also targeted Elon Musk and X and publicly talked of sanctions and fines for expressing opinions they find irksome. The EU and Australia’s eSafety bureaucrat Julie Inman-Grant (see Hugo Timms excellent article on free speech at Spiked-Online) have also called out Musk specifically for allowing too much free speech and what the government should do about it.
The Biden DOJ has sent hundreds of mostly peaceful protesters to long prison terms and demonized them as “insurrectionists.” God knows what they’ll do if Harris is elected.
BTW, highly recommend Jonathan Turley’s new book The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage.
I agree
I thought Harley Davidson just got rid of their DEI department?
It’s a matter of timing. This podcast was likely recorded before that story broke on the 20th.