In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about an Academic Freedom Conference at Stanford, classical v. therapeutic education, racism in San Francisco and modern anti-Semitism.
In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about an Academic Freedom Conference at Stanford, classical v. therapeutic education, racism in San Francisco and modern anti-Semitism.
Are there transcripts of your podcasts? I am very interested in the example you gave of the 40 some underprivilged students you were involved with that had great success or where can I get more information about this?
Thanks Victor for the inspiration you give me every broadcast. I live in Jerusalem since 86 and your words give hope for every Jew in Israel.
Dr. Hanson’s reference to “turning the other cheek” reminded me of a lesson taught by a priest who was a classical scholar. He said that, to understand messages being communicated by people from other cultures, you needed to understand “mores” of that culture in addition to the philology. He said that, in the time of Christ, Jews had a concept of the “death insult” which all men would have been taught was unacceptable. That was the “back of the hand”. If someone slapped you, they would likely do it with the palm of their hand. If you turned your cheek, you would be setting yourself up for “the back of the hand”; meaning that you should be willing to undergo any insult for “my Father.” Contemporary listeners to Christ would have immediately recognized that.
Also, look how words change. in a mere 15 years, in English, being “square” went from being desirable in the 40’s, to being out of touch in the mid-50’s. View the adult telling his son that he should be like Mr. Smith, who is “square” only to be told by his son, “He sure is!” “Bad” went from being undesirable to being cool in how many years? Father – that guy is “bad”. Son – Right, he is “baaaad” and don’t you forget it (the result of counter-cultural viewpoints).
Does this concept have a place in current affairs?
I think not. The left is on a crusade to change the fabric of society, regardless of the costt.
Can anyone argue or present a fact set that contradicts this statement?
If forgiveness is any kind of a means of proceeding, read 1984 and PUNT.
Victor, the term “tribalism” comes up frequently in your podcasts. I understand “tribe” in a traditional sense. I do not understand “tribe” in a modern sense, and I am not sure I understand “tribalism.” Tribes formed as a common feature in all civilizations. Your comments to portray “tribalism” as a toxic feature of western civilization. Does “tribalism” exist as a common feature in all civilizations? China, Russia, India, Africa all have tribes. Do they have tribalism? Is “tribalism” social or political? Does ‘tribalism” have a history? I would like to hear you thoughts on “tribalism” over time, and particularly on “tribalism” as it exists around the globe today.