Early Christian Thinkers and Signs of the Changing Times

Join this weekend episode to hear about Boethius and St. Augustine in the fallen Roman empire. Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc also talk about M.I.T.’s ban on diversity statements in hiring, 13 federal judges parry with Columbia, polls turn South for the Left, a criminal conspiracy among trial lawyers and the administration, and the possibility of Biden off the ticket by May 31.

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12 thoughts on “Early Christian Thinkers and Signs of the Changing Times”

  1. Tony Boccanfuso

    I dreamed I saw Professor Hanson. His latest work is insightful and terrifying.

    “Arise, arise he cried so loud with a voice without restraint. Come out ye gifted kings and queens and hear my sad complaint. No martyr is among you now whom you can call your own, but go on your way accordingly and know you are not alone”

  2. thebaron@enter.net

    You can say, “punDIT”, Sami, or “commentator”.
    Just don’t say “punDINT”, there is no such word.

  3. On Ukraine and our money; I know hindsight is cheap but the only six divisions of Russians cakewalk through the unbuilt by stolen billions “greatly fortified front” protecting Kharkiv is too damning not to bring up. We are being robbed by our own government thieves to split the loot with the Ukrainian mafia.

  4. Newell Barrett

    “… St Augustine in his “Leviticum”, which is a commentary on Leviticus, says that ‘… In this Sacrifice there is the true remission of sins.’ Theologians teach that remission of sins, which pertains to faults, proceeds from the Sacrifice not however in the same manner as in Baptism and penance, in which sins are forgiven through the infusion of sanctifying grace, but in another way.
    In other words, you see, that the Protestants say that when Christ died on the cross we were all freed from sin. No; you had to be baptised, if you sin again you have to go to Confession. That’s how, that is the application. You see the cross merited the possibility of justification, but it didn’t justify the whole world.
    And the whole purpose of the Church is to apply the effects of the redemption. That’s why there are Priests, that’s why religious, Nuns that teach in schools, they are applying the effects of the redemption.
    It’s like if you happen to, well I always compare it to World War II there was a case where the Americans were holding the Germans in a camp because, towards the end of the war. There was no food, well the food arrived but it was all in cans, but there was no can opener.
    In other words, by analogy, the Redemption is the can of food, but you need something to open it and serve it; in other words that’s the Church, and Sacraments etc. …”
    From: “The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Lecture 16” by Bishop Sanborn, 2024-5-13, see here:

  5. Newell Barrett

    … Continued from last post “… The unity of faith is manifested in as much as all the faithful profess their adherence to one and the same object of faith. For this reason if we want to discern the mark of unity in faith correctly, these two things must be understood;
    1. although one person according to his conditions and circumstances might believe explicitly more truths than another, say like the priest of Lourdes versus St Bernadette, who didn’t know too much, nevertheless it is necessary that each one believe implicitly all things, and be prepared to believe explicitly all things if he knew all things. So you are disposed to believe anything that pertains to faith, and that’s sufficient for the virtue of faith.
    2. This implicit faith is manifested externally as an element of the mark of unity, if all explicitly admit a certain evident principle by which they adhere to the whole faith. So I believe whatever the Catholic, whatever God has revealed, and the Catholic Church has proposed for belief.
    3. This principle is none other than the supreme authority. For this reason St Thomas teaches unity of the Church is found in two things; namely in the connection of the members of the church with one another, or communion, and secondly in the order of all the members of the church to one head. Ratzinger tried to make the church number one, but neglected number two.
    Bishop Sanborn, “ From: De Ecclesia, number 13” https://youtu.be/gFdi2DjxSdk

  6. Newell Barrett

    Faith is not an indefinable inner feeling, as the Protestants erroneouly believe.

    “The true notion of the unity of faith, by faith we do not mean confidence, as the Protestants would say, but the assent of the intellect to truth’s revealed by God, very important. Assent.
    The faith can be considered either as a habit, by which we believe, and in this way faith is one in species and differs by number in diverse people; so it’s the same habit in the whole church. In other words everyone has the same virtue of faith.
    It can also be considered objectively, and in this way there is one faith. You see, you distinguish between, in English commonly the word faith, with a small f, indicates the habit or act of faith. Faith with a capital F means, faith objectively considered, that means as it is the collection of truths which must be believed; the faith, the Catholic faith….
    …The formal object of faith, is first truth, the formal object is what makes the act to be what it is. First truth, and by adhering to this we believe whatever is contained under faith. So first truth is God, God revealing. …” Continued next post.

  7. Cynthia Frank

    This is odd. VDH recommends Peter Brown’s “Augustine” bio, but later says that he doesn’t see the later Roman Empire as a transformative time, which is precisely what Peter Brown’s work as a scholar sets out to show. Brown invented the field of Late Antiquity as a separate field of study.

  8. Nancy L Pullum

    I hope VDH never retires. What a great mind that has taught me so much about history and current events worldwide.

  9. As always, I totally enjoy hearing Victor’s point of view. AND, as a person who FAILED my History course as a Freshman at Seton Hall University (1966), I have a renewed interest in history thanks to you, VDH! If you were my teacher, I would have achieved an “A”! I am pointing my 3 grandchildren in your direction – the best gift I can give them. Thank you!

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