
Politics and What Remains of the English Language

By Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Here is a list of a few trendy words, overused, politicized, and empty of meaning, that now plague popular communications. “Intersection” How many times have we read a writer, columnist, pundit, or job applicant self-describe himself with this strange word? Here’s an example: “Joe Blow is a social […]

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The Fiction of ‘Truth’

By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services We live in a weary age of fable. The latest Hollywood mythology is entitled “Truth.” But the film is actually a fictionalized story about how CBS News super-anchor Dan Rather and his “60 Minutes” producer supposedly were railroaded by corporate and right-wing interests into resigning. In reality,

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Recent Unrest on Campus

Progressive Faculty and Administrators Deserve All of the Blame for the Unrest By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The recent wave of student protests is aimed at liberal professors and administrators. Current student anger eerily fits the pattern of most left-wing unrest, from the cycles of the French Revolution to the campus riots

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Did O’Reilly Finally Go Too Far?

By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Earlier this month, premier Fox newsman Bill O’Reilly became unhinged on live television. A red-faced O’Reilly loudly and repeatedly called his invited guest, Washington Post columnist and fellow conservative Fox News journalist George Will, a “hack” and accused him of lying. It was a surreal moment, with

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The University Gone Feral

On campus, social norms no longer apply. By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The university, long exempted from social norms and rules, has gone wild in the 21st century — or rather, regressed to pre-puberty. The University of Missouri campus police now request that students — a group not known for polite vocabulary

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A Tale of Two Shootings

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media In August of 2014 Michael Brown, 18, 6-foot-4, 290 lbs., robbed a store in Ferguson [1], Missouri. Brown (who apparently had recently used marijuana) assaulted the clerk, then walked down the middle of the street before being stopped by city police officer Darren Wilson, who tentatively matched Brown

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Conventional wisdom proves ignorance in the presidential race

by Victor Davis Hanson//Tribune Media Services The current presidential campaign is blowing up lots of political myths. For years, the conventional lament was that the “wrong” Bush had run for president in 2000. George W. Bush was supposedly tongue-tied. He was said to be polarizing. He was derided as too much the twangy, conservative Texas

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Tooth-Gnashing in the Republican Establishment

By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Republicans should be upbeat. They control by large margins the state legislatures and governorships. The Supreme Court is a bit more conservative than liberal. The House and Senate are both run by Republicans. President Obama, after veritably wrecking his party, has for some time scarcely polled above

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