The Clintons

Surprise, surprise, the disconnected plutocrat lost

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton concedes her defeat to Republican Donald Trump in New York on Nov. 9, 2016. (Andrew Harnik/Associated Press) by Victor Davis Hanson// Los Angeles Times Donald Trump’s victory confounded elite pollsters, journalists, politicians, academic experts and captains of industry. They all wrote him off as a fading gasbag. By every conventional […]

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A Blow to the Non-Elite Elite

By Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Biased and incompetent elites polluted the 2016 election, and they are getting what they deserved. There were a lot of losers in this election, well beyond Hillary Clinton and the smug, incompetent pollsters and know-it-all, groupthink pundits who embarrassed themselves. From hacked e-mail troves we received a glimpse of

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The Election Fables of 2016

  by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Clear choices on the issues in 2016 have been far more distinct than in 1960, 1968, or 1992. Most of what we read about the election of 2016 was untrue. Here are the most glaring of the election fables. Hillary would have been better off politically to come

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The Unenviable Next President

by Victor Davis Hanson// Defining Ideas   After a strange and divisive election season, November 8 is almost here—and it couldn’t have come soon enough. Whoever wins will be in an unenviable position. The nation is in free-fall: current foreign policy, the economy, health care, and federal borrowing are not sustainable. Yet the needed chemotherapy,

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Has Clinton topped Nixon?

By Victor Davis Hanson// Town Hall | Another day, another Hillary Clinton bombshell disclosure. This time the scandal comes from disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner’s laptop computer, bringing more suggestions of Clinton’s sloppy attitude about U.S. intelligence law. Meanwhile, seemingly every day WikiLeaks produces more evidence of the Clinton Foundation leveraging the Clinton State Department

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Never Trump Republicans: Spoilers or Saviors?

 By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review If enough of them decide that Hillary’s corruption is too much to take, she could be finished, at last. Will there be an eleventh-hour Never/Against/No Trump Reconsideration? The question gains new relevance as a Hillary Clinton landslide, widely predicted until recently, now seems unlikely. We are back to

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No reason to assume Hillary’s troubles are behind her

  By Victor Davis Hanson // The Sumter Item Hillary Clinton was resting, running out the clock, sitting on a supposed large lead and hoping that the election was sooner than later. Now after the latest Weiner disclosures, she is crisscrossing the country, terrified of collapsing polls, and wishing that she had three more weeks

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